Jun 21, 2008 22:44
I've finally got a plan for the next year. Thinking about it frightens and exhausts me... but it's something, at least. So for this summer (assuming nothing I fear might happen happens...), it's working 40 hours a week for the next ten weeks and getting lots of money. With my first paycheck I plan to buy myself an expensive phone (augh, in five minutes retrospect, it would make a lot more sense for me to hold off on this and buy the phone when I go to Taiwan) and pay off some debt (although I just remembered I didn't bring my checkbook so this may be more complicated than it really needs to be). After that, I'll save half of my next three paychecks for a plane ticket to Taiwan. And the rest of the money... I will live off of for the next year, because I don't plan to have a job during the school year this time. And also I will get a haircut, just for you, Steven.
After I'm done working, it's back to Irvine (<333) for a week or two, then Europe for a week, then back to Irvine, and then school starts. This quarter I think I'll be taking Physics 6A, Chem 14D, Japanese 1, and Econ 2. I was considering double majoring with International Area Economics, but the premajor reqs for that are way too ridiculous... so I think I'll just take Japanese for the sake of exposure, and for the rest I'll just take the normal econ prereqs and double major with Econ and MIMG. So I have my next three quarters pretty much planned out, as long as they don't kill me.
Thanksgiving break will be going to Cancun. :D! Some repose from what will definitely be an exhausting and depressing quarter. My plan is to actually not go home every weekend. And if I do, I have 9 AM class every Monday, so I'll actually have to come back Sunday night. I'm hoping to see Steven every other weekend, and guilt trip him into coming to LA half those times. But I really need to work on having even less of a life than I already do and passing my classes. And I want to get into some kind of volunteering / club / work out schedule. Of course, I don't actually expect most of these things to happen, but maybe if I write it out it'll be slightly more likely. In any case, it will be nice to spend 5 days with Steven / my family.
Winter break... I have finals until Friday, unfortunately, but hopefully soon afterwards I'll be able to leave for Taiwan. I need to talk to my aunt about getting tickets and I need to talk to my other aunt about staying at her house. And in Taiwan, I will buy myself a phone (assuming I have enough self control to not buy it after I get my first paycheck) and... many other things. :) Like buying a shitload of clothes. And eating amazing food.
Winter quarter will be a bitch once again. If not moreso, because I'll be taking three south campus classes. Once I get through that, hopefully over spring break I'll go to New York to visit my brother / Fei / Nanette. Then I will return to take yet another bitch quarter... at which point I will be done with, or at most have one class left for, both my premajor reqs. Then over the summer I will hopefully have some kind of research job at UCI (which I will look into during winter break) and be taking my last class there, as well as prepping for MCATs.
Now that I actually have a set course of action, I'm less anxious about (though still dreading) the future. Maybe these classes won't be that terrible. Maybe the MCATs won't be that hard. Maybe I can start having a life at 25...
I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up too high, though.