Oct 10, 2006 23:40
Once in awhile, in this short little POS life that I'm leading, I would like to not be considered 'one of the guys'.
I used to revel in this fact. Because it made the other girls jealous. Because I was the beer-drinking, chill, down to earth girl that they all liked hanging out with. Because I was no drama. Because they knew that it wouldn't get awkward. Because I had some insight into the female brain, so they would pick mine to get into the pretty ones' pants. This is where it got annoying. After awhile, it got really, really old. When it made my emotions just go into all sorts of messed up situations, it needed to end.
Needless to say, it hasn't.
On to other things...
This weekend was actually a lot of fun... the dance, Easton to be girls... the Kings party... Rach's 21st... except for the whole hospital-for-bloodwork thing.
Bruce is going to kill me with his equine legal class. I love it though. Its the only class I can bring myself to go to on a regular basis, no matter how crappy I feel. Theres something about it. The material... you'd think I'd be doing amazing... not so much. But... I love doing the research. I love writing the breifs. I love it. I'm a huge loser.
I like my management class too. The teacher is a smartass, and it makes things interesting.
I've been sick... but that's all getting better.
I need to go study :-)