Jan 11, 2006 16:06
Uggghhhh... so much had to be done in the lest few days. I really, really can't wait for the weekend.
Monday night was insane. I had to clean Doc's stall, feed, and then be on duty while writing two papers and finishing a book, all at the same time. And field phone calls from Kat about the memorial... which I'm not going to. Long story. I'll tell you if you really, really want to know. So Molly and I were up until about 2 am writing said papers and finishing said book. Thank god I have someone in that class with me, otherwise I might shoot myself.
Tuesday really wasn't any better. I tried to nap during the day, but ended up struggling with Economics homework instead. I like the format of this class so much better though. Then went to the barn with Cari, had dinner with Molly, Cari, and Dylan, which was nice, and eventualy headed over to Laura's to workout, which was really amusing. I had to leave early to come back to the dorm to do the RA information session, and then worked on Economics homework more... till Ashley and I decided to have a sleepover... well, we just watched Desperate Housewives for awhile, then went to bed.
I got up this morning, thinking I would have my one-on-one meeting with Mandy, but she was sik :-(. So I finished the second chapter of Economics, and left to go to the barn to do Vegas' stall. Got there, did her stall, then... I provided comic relief.
I stepped funny in the hole by the crossties that Doc has decided to dig to China. I twisted my ankle... and landed on my butt... on the pitchfork.
I have been violated by a pitchfork.
Its not a good feeling.