Feb 21, 2005 14:11
I'd have to say that the most fun I had this weekend was when I was with the Anime Club, the Shinobi circle of anti socials. As they call themselves. There's alot that happened Saturday, for insitance, I lost my purse and eighty dollars and my floppy for school work, and my cell phone. All in one day. But, they're just items of this material world that can always be replaced. It was about time for me to get a new cell phone, although that eighty dollars could've helped alot, I'll get over it. I think I am over it.
Anyways, onto the good of the Weekend. The anime we watched was okay. It was Stellia or something like that. I had alot of fun just driving around with Raymond. (He's the club leader) We talked about alot of things. I mean, alot of things that you'd never think you'd talk to some stranger, although this was the third time I've met him. Lol. He has the whole series of Peach Girl. (For those of you whom don't know, I'm in love with the seires and I've yet to find the whole complete box set.[Peach Girl= Manga]) And he's gonna let me read it. YAY-ness. I'm so hyped. One more thing that I found funny. We went to Party Central and the Isle of Capri. Every night I've been there, there's this guy that I think is really hott, and he's always there. Well, Saturday I guess I worked up the courage to talk to him. We were all talking about ages and stuff and next thing I know I'm askin' him how old he was. He said he was twenty years old. Wow. Then he went outside of the arcade area, and I went to go get water and walked into him (not literally) and he asked me how old I was, so I told him I was 14 and he was all... "Ah, man". It was funny. Afterwards we played DDR against each other, and of course he let me win. When we were waiting on our turn he was all, "How old did you think I was before you knew mai age" I told him I thought and was hoping he was around the age of 17. And he said he thought I was seventeen! Haha, sucker. It was awsome. Oh, and alot of fun.
Okay, on a more dramatic note....Cody.
I don't know what to say. About him, or to him. I think the Thursday before last I was completely over him. I'm over him but I don't think I can ever actually forget about him. Does that make sence? Last Thursday we saw each other in the hallway ..(Before I continue...this is probably the gayes segement of all time) and I guess that's when it hit me, we just stood there like idiots staring at each other. I was thinking about how it wouldn't be the same between us anyways, and I wonder if he was thinking the same thing. Then later that day I even talked to him at lunch, I sat by him while we were alone and all we could say was hey. The whole lunch hour and all he said was hey, and all I said was hey. How pathetic? And I guess that's how I figured it would be different between us anyways. Yeah, and then I had this drem about him. That didn't help. I'm not getting into specifics, but we were back together. And also the fact that in three days it will be a whole year since our first date... (And NO I'm some crazy stalker, I just remember these things.)
Still on the dramatic note.
I am feeling really down lately. Amber's moving on March 1. And she's really my only close chick friend. I'm friends with Neeva, Kei, Alyse, Sarah t, And H, Tina, Steph...the list goes on. But, they all have their own little people. I mean...Alyse has Joe, Neeva and Kei have each other, Sarah T has her lil 'friends', Sarah H has Jerry, and Steph has her clique as well... I still have Josh, Kye, and Rance. But, for Christ's Sakes they're boys. Although I've been friends with guys all mai life, I've alwyas had at least one chick friend to turn and talk to when I feel like being dramatic....It's just not going to be the same. I'm going to be okay though, I was okay when Tori and Nikki left, so why not Amber? Sunday morning I was thinking about everything. (My mom and I got into it Saturday, and I was still upset about that. Josh and I were writing a note and in the note he was telling me what a horrible person I was. Also, Brother Bobby's sermon was on how people are so greedy and selfish and we shouldn't be. The lsat thing I needed was to start thinking about how Amber was going to move.) While I thought about all those things, I began to cry. It's hard for me to cry, although lately I've been doing it alot. So, Mr. Carl asked if I wanted to pray, and I did. I felt better. But, it just go away. I've been thinking about it alot lately, and when I do it brings me down. So ya'll do me a favor...if you guys see me kind of down, let me be down. I'm not thinking about suicide or anything like that, I'm just thinking about things...if that makes sence.
Anyways, I'm in the public library right now, and I guess I should go...cause I'm finished here.