Jun 15, 2002 17:12
Just 3 mores days of school left. I can't wait. I really want this year to be over. It is just way to much for me to handel. I went and took my written at the PHP meeting today. I failed. But I knew I was going to fail. I didn't study at all so I guess that it is my own fault. But my dad didn't have to be so rude to me. We were sitting there after I took the test and waiting for them to call my number. He wants to talk about how I failed and I just didn't want to hear it so I calmly told him that I didn't want to talk about it. He got mad and than just went to the car. I feel better now because I came home and took the online test and I only missed one. I'm gonna go re-take it on Tuesday so hopefully I'll pass it. I really wanna get my license.