Kill a cat, Lose a friend =(

Jun 19, 2005 04:33

So tonight started out great and ended terribly. First was The Slackers at Chain. Very good show. Had a lot of fun. Denny's after was also amazing. Then, I call Chris up and decide to go to Mikey's to chill. Chris wanted to go to the 24 Hour Starbuck's in The Valley so I went along for the ride. Here's where things start to get fucked up. ( Read more... )

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ocskaboy June 19 2005, 15:29:18 UTC
no dont say we chris didnt say that you said your not gonna let julia use you, which is totally uncalled for. and for that you deserve the big FUCK YOU. and this is why im upset with you. because what kind of friend are you. i wouldnt have been up set if chris just said no, but no you had to take the phone and be really rude about it since you know you are supposibly julia's friend. i hope i never get stranded. i dont wanna use you.


afoxygoddess June 19 2005, 21:42:59 UTC
You know what. You deserve a big FUCK YOU for all of that. He felt the same way. Ask him. She wasn't fucking stranded. Not the way you put it. I would've gone to get you. And you know that. You're completely out of line. I'd go to the end of the earth for you. And I am supposedly Julia's friend? Let me ask you this. If I had called you after the night I was hysterically crying at Downtown Disney, asking you to pick up Travis from a party, would you have? Because, you know, you were supposedly his friend too.


batnumberone June 19 2005, 22:03:01 UTC
im not trying to take sides in this but i dont want to see both of you not being friends ( ... )


afoxygoddess June 19 2005, 22:05:23 UTC
Mikey didn't tell us that. She just said she was at a party. There's a BIG difference between she's at a party and what you just told me. IN that case, we would've gone to get her in a heartbeat.


batnumberone June 19 2005, 22:08:00 UTC
dont worry... everything worked out....

misscommunication isnt the best friend in that kinda situation...



ocskaboy June 20 2005, 08:01:37 UTC
you know i probably would pick up travis, because if he needed help i would be there.


afoxygoddess June 20 2005, 08:18:24 UTC
I am so over this whole thing. You didn't tell us the whole story. We would've gotten her had we known all the facts. Oh, and she does use you. You took what I said the wrong way. It wasn't meant to be rude. But if you wanna throw a 4 year friendship away because of all this, then whatever.


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