May 17, 2007 02:55
Funny being born right before independance day. I mean, I'm so fiercely for independance, but so strongly against that day and the pig headed jerk fest it represents. And worst of all, I get to go to all the patriotic disaster/war movies in "celebration". Independance day sucked major ass and I couldn't help but see it over and over as everyone had it on HBO all the time for like, a year.
Now we get to see how they butcher Transformers.
Actually I'm not all that worried about how they change it from the original, I'm more worried that they're just going to make something that SUCKS!. Mainstream pop movies really just aren't "where it's at" these days. They really just can't help but pump out the garbage, and the occasional valid hit just compounds the issue with a landslide of shit to follow in it's wake. Anyway, I'd prefer to see the cause of the landslide than watch the wake of scum, so let's hope they're sportin a trillogy maker so I can enjoy this one at least and forget about the sequels to come.