My grandfather died recently.
Jonah got a remote controll flying dragonfly and it made me think of my grandfather building planes so I thought I'd put up a picture.
He built them mainly of cereal boxes, wood and tape, though he would also make smaller models out of balsa wood and laquered tissue paper. He made alot of them for hobby's sake/display, but a few he built for engines that he purchased, small gas engines, he had a few. They weren't remote control exactly, they were tethered, made to fly in circles. He had some degree of controll with the rudder, but I can't quite remember now how he did it. It's been along time.
He also painted, water color mainly, though he did oils instead when he lost the control to use water colors in the later stages of Parkinson's.
I guess that's probably one of the reasons water color was such a default for me. I got alot of water colors and other such art supplies at gifting times, though I didn't make a whole lot of use of the water colors back then.