New photo set:
I used Lars's Cannon Rebel XTI (10.1mp)
I like it quite a bit, but I still feel it's not quite where I want it to be. Granted I wasn't shooting a low ASA, but the noise in the darker parts is too pronounced and viewing at 100% is just not up to snuff, it's got little white spots and crunchy shapes. That's fine when you shrink it down a little, or prining at 300dpi would probably be fine, but I want images to look okay even down to 100% zoom, or have enough megapixels that it doesn't matter. It's getting close, as I've said many a time, 16 or 20 MP would be great. I'm sure it'll be cheap in the next few years. Eventually I'll get my own digital.
It's so convenient to know what you've got right when you shoot it, and not to have to pay for film. It's so easy to just shoot 500 shots and sort it out after. Although I'd rather work with film, the benefits of digital are really increasing, especially since I've pretty much stopped printing myself and everything's getting converted/scanned anyway. Still, I want the ability to make real prints if I have access to a color lab again.