I just can't seem to get it...

Aug 11, 2009 13:45

I'm feeling a bit of a slump lately.  Even though I have been taking care of myself, I'm feeling some serious guilt about my life in general.  Mainly, I'm feeling like I fail as a fully functioning, well rounded adult.

And by those statements, I mean that I just can't seem to "get it."  I have no clue how to balance all of the little things I have to do in a day, week, month.  For instance, if I make fitness a priority and stick to exercising at least 5 days a week, that time is sucked away from other important things, like doing laundry, cleaning the kitchen, remembering to drop off my library books or iron clothes.  And, subsequently, if I make sure every night to vacuum the living room and clean up dinner/wipe down the counters, I then find I have no time to take out the recycling, exercise, knit, dance, etc., etc., etc... you catch my drift.

And add on top of this the need to take care of Story and try to enjoy my time with her and Tim.  What it all equates to is feeling like a busy, worn out, stressed out mess who NEVER gets everything done. The only way I can think of is to totally deny doing anything for myself and never getting any sleep. BOTH of which aren't options.

I just don't know what to do sometimes. I feel like I seriously need to assess my life and figure out how I can get all of these tasks handled. Because as it is, I'm whirling out of control.

I wish I had the money to hire a maid, a life coach and an organizational/time management specialist.  I need a sugar daddy/mommy!
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