The Great Swimsuit Hunt of 2009 is (hopefully) over! After buying one godawful flamingo pink (thought it was fuschia) suit from Lands' End, returning that, then on a lark buying a two piece that's not too terrible from Sam's Club (but barely holds the girls in/makes me terrified for a flashy moment... and makes me feel like a frumpy old mom), I then found myself hunting for a more structured swim top from Lands' End.
As I found one I liked, I looked at the price tag and realized that I was spending a mere $10 less, all told, for the darned top than I'd pay for a the one piece swimsuit I've been lusting after for a couple of years now. So, I just took the plunge, said, "to hell with it!" and bought the one piece.
Cross your fingers for me that it fits and looks cute. I have no worries, though. I only wish I had it tonight, for our swim hangouts with Tim's family in Columbia. Oh well, I'll wear the not-so-cute mommy tankini and pray my bazooms stay in.