Kimchi is, by far, the stinkiest of all foods ever.
It literally smells like bad farts. When I opened my bag of veggie kimchi this morning, I was so excited! I was finally getting to try kimchi for the first time! Then... like a mac truck barreling down a highway, the odor hit me. It was like personified ass. I think it actually tried to steal my soul, it smelled THAT bad.
But I'm a tough broad, so I packed it up in my bento anyways. I put my tofu eggplant wrap sammitch in the bottom compartment, then stuffed some kimchi in the top, sealable compartment, along with some gari and olives.
Well, let's just say that no one puts kimchi in a confined space. Oh no. Kimchi finds a way to reach with its smelly little hands and wrap its odour around all of your other food, thus contaminating it with kimchi smell. My god, I could TASTE the kimchi smell oh my gari. Do you know how POWERFUL a smell has to be to overpower pickled ginger?
Methinks I shall start manufacturing kimchi balloons *like water ballons, but filled with kimchi* to throw at people I hate.