
Jun 04, 2007 10:25

Ok, Ok, Ok... I'm back.  It's been forever, I know.  Vacation was, indeed, all I ever wanted and I just couldn't take the time to post, as it seemed to be precious vacation time that I should be spending relaxing/doing something fun.

Anyways, here I am.

Now, for Vacation The Summary-

Memorial Day Weekend/PDF-  way fun.  way more fun than I thought it would be.  Hanging out with Camp Hon was a blast- it's great to be surrounded by book/craft nerds who enjoy sitting around and drinking natty bohs and reading/crafting just as much as I do.  I got to run around a huge burning pony with a hundred or so folks, start a cheeseburger rebellion, did a bit of zilling, was fairly drunk, got a neato spray-painted tank top... and just had a blast.  jane_stclaire, you are going with me next year, I demand it!

Week after Memorial Day-  sat at home doing one of the following:  eating, playing Kingdom Hearts, bellydancing, eating more, drinking beers during the day hours, watching movies with the hubby, daydreaming, hiking.

Last Weekend- went to Ocean City and lived off the Medical Industry's dime.  My mom is a hospital admin and she had a hotel and several vendors courting her business... which meant they took her, thewrongtim and myself out for lunch, dinner, desert, drinks and paid for the hotel... good times!  However, OC is lame.  I am a total snob and love Rehoboth, instead... why?  Better lay-out, much less "happy crap" (aka Souvenier shops, t-shirt shops, candy kitchens, etc.)

Sunday-  Ralston Social Club 1st Sunday- spent indoors with marinatempest , kazoogrrl, ding_0, noralita, watergirlwater and the hubs eating amazing crab dip *mmmm thanks Mel!*, burgers *thanks Hubs!*, my own hand-picked garden salad, beers and, the capper of the night, the Great Ice Cream Fiasco (featuring Haagen Daaz's Mayan Chocolate and Toasted Coconut Sesame Brittle AND pomegranite chip, as well as some Ben and Jerry's Heath Bar Crunch and Mint Chocolate Cookie for good measure)... yay for thigh expansion...

More details to come, including:

*Great Falls Hiking Trip of DOOM
*Viking Golf!  A PictureBook

vacation, hiking, viking golf, great falls

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