Icon Meme

May 12, 2010 18:32

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

So hungry_bkworm91 chose these six icons...

by awakencordy 
Merlin/Arthur. I absolutely love this scene from 2x13 when Arthur can tell something's wrong with Merlin and tries to get him to talk about it by being all sweet and then when that fails throwing a pillow at him.  I love this icon because it does kind of look like they're in the same bed, there's a bit of shirtless Arthur and Bradley's lovely smile. Plus, the caption is fun and expresses the slashiness that is these two :)

by devlin_dream 
I always love animated icons and this one just made me laugh. Poor Cas walking right into the ring of holy fire set by Luci! A good icon to use on the inevitable occasions when I or someone else makes a stupid mistake.

by mummy_daydream 
I absolutely love this picture of Jensen from the recent Jus in Bello convention in Italy.  His smile and the crinkly eyes are absolutely gorgeous and my two favourite things about him. Plus he just looks so happy :)

by devlin_dream 
Misha finger!porn!!! Yup, pretty much the main reason I love this icon.  I have an obsession with Misha's hands - his fingers are so long and slender and I just love them! LOL Also, yay Cas! And the little Shhh is totally cute and useful in the appropriate situations when I want someone to be quiet ;)

by awakencordy 
Cas again! And also one of my favourite Cas moments ever.  It's just after he's got off the phone with Dean and done the whole "This isn't funny Dean, the voice says i'm almost out of minutes".  After Dean prematurely hangs up on him, he says "I'll just....wait here then." and then proceeds to look SO cute standing all slumpy on the side of the road and planning on waiting for Dean for four hours. That's what love will do to you!  I love the colouring that awakencordy has used here, with the slight purple tints to it.

by awakencordy  (again!)
I figured this icon would come in handy when I talk about reading which seeing as i'm an English Lit student I should do a lot but so far have only done once! LOL However, I do very much agree with the text of the icon and if anyone can prove the truth of the statement it's Dean.  (Even if he is reading Route 666!) 

merlin, meme, supernatural

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