So I like to try and read the Popular Books that come out every once in a while, because otherwise I find myself wandering around bookstores seeing very white hands on very black backgrounds offering me apples and wondering why on earth there are so many piles of this book. But! I have found an invaluable resource! Especially for those of us who don't have time to read Dan Brown's new book The Lost Symbol, or who haven't sufficiently blocked out our last upsetting reading experience - mine was the third Twilight book, whatever it's called. Despite my best intentions, I got about a third of the way through it before it broke me, and I didn't even care enough to wikipedia what happened. Of course eventually, I got the basic rundown of what exactly happens in the rest of the books, and was actually really disturbed. I don't understand why all the thirteen-year-old girls weren't also disturbed. Because, you know, I wouldn't want to grow up with my vampire parents and my nice uncle Jacob, who oddly never gets older and occasionally around the full moon pees in the corner because he has difficulty controlling his animal urges (uh, this doesn't actually happen. I hope.), and then realize when I get to be around sixteen that my fun-loving uncle who maybe I had a little crush on because he is six-five and hot like a volcano, in a better-not-touch-him-or-you-might-burn-your-hand-literal kind of way is actually my soul mate and I am destined to love him forever, because he couldn't have my mom and thus will happily settle for me, and because that is how love works. Way more creepy than the way Mr. Knightley in Emma knew her when she was in the cradle, but just stood on the sidelines and didn't fall in love with her until she was a rambunctious and foolish young lady. Uh, although now it occurs to me that I've gone and spoiled a number of books.
So, back to the point, which is Dan Brown's new book The Lost Symbol, which came out earlier this month and I have all sorts of fun facts about how many copies were ordered and how much of a bestseller it's supposed to be, because I am a nerd, and because the world loves exciting books and chapters that are half a paragraph long. Fortunately, since I am already hellishly busy and have ten more weeks of hellish business to look forward to, Maureen Johnson, who is awesome aside from this, has taken it upon herself to
do the reading for us! And I suspect this is way more entertaining than actually reading the book. And it's definitely faster! And more hilarious.