- Finished two books (How to Overthrow the Government by newspaper columnist par excellance/backstabbing bitch Arianna Huffington and Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs... both of which are highly recommended)
- Worked on a Burroughs-influenced tale about the random shit I thought of while under the influence of sheer exhaustion and disorientation.
- Lucid dreamed three times in the same night, probably due to said exhaustion (if I ever talk to a woman like that while I'm awake, don't hesitate to castrate me... then again, I am notorious for my lack of charm or overt romanticism).
The best I can hope for is that the CIS 100 credit by examination goes as planned (0830 is not the best time for me to be sitting in front of a monitor answering pointless questions about an OS I do not personally use or advocate), I don't get too completely wasted at the Halloween party at Eric's and... most importantly... this job interview on the second week of November isn't completely shot to hell by my tics and lack of social skills.
Something tells me this might go well, because my friend is the fucking manager... so a little bit of cronyism and I'll be golden.