(no subject)

Sep 11, 2005 13:35

haha well guess once more my plans didnt go as i thought
c'est la vie
instead i'm going back to school.
and of all schools i think laurier.
if i'm going to get a diploma might as well be a french diploma.
mind you it was an interesting choice to make, yes i know more people at beal, i like downtown and in general beal holds no surprises ,
yes, i have some ex girlfriends at laurier and their annoying friends, but i have a carte blanche.
plus lets face it i'm not going into art for a career , i'm pretty good at it but i'm not passionate by any standards about art.

but in general i'm also found that i enjoy being single for once, and not just that nicee little freedom in between relationships that last a few weeks
same time i miss what i had. haha i wake up every morning and i got this valentine someone made for me hanging on my mirror. directly across from is a picture of her an i.

i miss it a lot actually.
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