Aug 10, 2005 14:10
What is your first name?: Whitney
What is your second name: Alexandra
What is your zodiac sign?: Taurus
.Look at me.
Whats your natural hair color?: Dark Brown
What is your current hair color?: Dark brown roots...reddish-light brown ends
What color are your eyes?: hazel
Piercings?: ears, two in each and nose
Tattoos?: 5
Long or Short Hair?: short now...shoulder length :-(
Straight or Curly?: curly
How tall are you?: 5'4"
Whats your shoe size?: 8
.Currently Wearing.
What shirt are you wearing? right now a red family reunion shirt--for work it'll be a pink tube and matching cardigan
What kind of shorts/pants/ are you wearing?: none at the moment, just my undies. will be wearing a black twill skirt with white, grey, pink, and yellow in it.
Underwear?: white booty shorts
Necklaces?: White gold 3 stone pendant bryan bought me for my 18th birthday.
Braclets?: the i love you braclet he bought for my 19th birthday.
Mascara?: only for special occasions
Eyeliner?: nope
Any other make up?: nope
Is your hair up or down?: its in a ponytail but might as well be down.
.This or That.
Rock or Rap: mainly rap
Coffee or Hot Cocoa: frapachinno
Baseball or Softball: neither
Wild Night out or Romantic Night in: in
Top or Bottom: top
Front or Back: Back
Up or Down: up
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Hummer or Sports Car: sports car
Guy or Girl: guy
Bracelet or Necklace: necklace
Pink or Purple: Pink but purple is still my favorite
History or Science: history
Sleep in or Early to rise: so sleep in
Beach or Boardwalk: Beach
Hoodie or Tee Shirt: tee shirt in the warm weather hoodie when its gets cool.
Night Or Day: Night
Boxers or Briefs: Boxer briefs
High School or College: College
White or Black: BOTH! MULATTO ALL THE WAY!!!
Jeans or Capris: jeans
Love or Fun: love is fun
California or Florida: Florida
Simple Plan or Good Charlotte: uhm..
Love at first sight or Learn to Love: love at first sight
Babe or Baby: Baby
This Or That: This
.Have you ever?.
Kissed the opposite sex?: yes
Kissed the same Sex?: not to my knowledge...but drugs make you do some crazy things.
Made out with someone?: Yes
Hugged someone?: Yes
Been on the phone until the sun came up?: heh, yeah...those were the days.
Put a song on repeat for more than 2 hours?: Yes
Gone Skinny dipping?: yes
Flashed anyone?: yes
Mooned anyone?: yes
Laughed so hard you pissed in your pants?: no!
Got chased by the police? no
Got in trouble with the police?: no
Got detention?: like once in 10th or 11th grade. it was gay.
Went to Juvi?: No
Went streaking?: no.
Crashed a party?: nope
Got Wasted?: definately
Phone sex?: Yes
Cyber sex?: in like middle school when it was 'the thing' lol thats retarded.
Slept past 4 in the afternooon?: yes
Dumped someone?: yeah
Got Dumped?: Yes
Rejected someone?: Yes
Got rejected?: ...
Skipped School?: lol started skipping in 11th grade.
.The Last.
person you talked to in person?: my dad
person you talked to online?: uhm...i havent talked online in weeks!
person you talked to on the phone?: mom
thing you ate?: 3 day old re-heated hawaiian pizza.
drank?: capri sun
laugh?: this morning at bryan
cry?: this morning because it was 4am and bryan was yelling about not waking up on time.
person you made out with?: bryan
person you told you loved them?: mom
Do you like surveys?: when theres nothing else to do.
Do you ever wonder what your life will be like 10 years down the road?: everyday i wonder.
Are you scared of what life will be like in 10 years?: scared that things may not be how i dream
Do you get along with your parents?: now that they understand that they cant tell me what to do anymore.
Are you old enough to vote?: Yes
Are you happy?: most of the time
Are you sad?: rarely
Mental breakdowns?: only when its finals time
Did you ever tell your parents you didn't feel good so you didnt have to go to school?: uhm...yeah...who hasn't? I still use it sometimes even now in college. heh heh