May 07, 2004 22:47
anyone have a cure for general intestinal malaise? i'm all achey and gross.
can i do a cleanse? monica, don't you dare suggest kefir.
every time i've seen amy over the past few days i've been all "ugggghhh" without knowing why, and she keeps asking what's wrong, and nothing's actually wrong, so i was confused, but... i'm sick. i just didn't know it. but now i do. oh, man, do i.
airline food strikes again, i say.
on the upside, i was really needing a movie after work so i walked, sort of randomly, into the 7:20 showing of "supersize me" at the chelsea clearview. it was pretty damn funny. not too enlightening re: corporate america, but much more lighthearted than michael moore's work. the creator ate nothing but mcdonald's (even his water had to come from mcdonald's) for a month. apparently when those two girls sued mcdonald's they lost because they couldn't prove that a mcdonald's diet would lead to illness. over the month he gained 25 pounds, became lethargic, impotent, addicted, and caused similar problems to his liver that an alcoholic on a binge would cause. when the movie was over the guy who made the movie stood up and took questions. his girlfriend is a vegan chef, but he's just this omnivore dude from west virginia.
i've just realized i have no cell phone reception at judy's apartment, so anyone i was meaning to call... not going to happen today.
tomorrow, i work what will hopefully be my last birthday party at ACT.