Jun 11, 2006 11:03
So Wednesday night Adam and I went to go see X-Men 3. It was fantastic. I loved the first two movies, and this one did not disappoint. It was very dark and sad, though. For those that haven't seen it, it's about how someone comes up with a "cure" for mutants (aka Gay people, as seen from the entire "coming out" scene in X2, and the various lines in this movie, like, "A Cure? But we're not sick," "There's nothing wrong with us," etc). Honestly, the saddest moments of the movie were not the deaths of major characters, they were the scenes where mutants had their powers--their identity--taken from them. It would almost be better to die, for them, than to be "cured." The movie certainly makes one think. If someone had two syringes, one filled with a Gay Cure, and one filled with deadly poison, and gave me my choice.....Well, I'll let you guess which one I'd pick.
Thursday, we went out to dinner with two of Adam's friends, to this Delicious restaurant called Real Food Daily. It's a gourmet organic vegan restaurant, and the food--while not cheap--is spectacular. I had a spicy tomato soup to start, and a tempeh Reuben sandwich with sauerkraut (mmm!) and a Caesar salad. And we four split a vegan coconut cream pie slice. Fantastic! Oh, also we saw Ashton Kutcher there, so that was neat.
After dinner, we went to go see Al Gore's movie, "An Inconvenient Truth." It's a very interesting film, all about global warming. I would definitely recommend that everyone see it. Why, oh Why God was he not president in 2000? I wonder how different things would have been had W not taken (literally) office. No war in Iraq; the US would have joined the rest of the world in lowering CO2 emissions; and God only knows what other positive changes Gore would have brought to our country.