Apr 13, 2008 18:10
Who are you
What do you want with me
Where did you come from
I am lost with you and scared without you
Your stuck in me for all eternity
I hate the things you do
I hate the way you look at me
I hate the way you hate me
I hate how you have fucked up my life
I hate the way you eat, sleep, breathe, live
I hate the bad decisions you make
I hate the non-decisions you make
I hate that you smoke and drink
I hate the way you think that you are a good person
I hate the feeling you give me
Why are you tormenting me
I want to live without you
I want you out of my head
You make living life so difficult
Why can’t you just let me be
I hate the way you used to cut yourself
I hate the way you aren’t there when I need you
I hate that I can’t make you go away
You are horrible for me so why do you keep coming back
I can’t be happy with you in my life
You were created just to make me miserable
I hate the way you live only in me
I hate that you need possessions
I hate that you have fucked up your life so bad
Why can’t you just let me be happy
You are fucked up
You can’t make up your mind
You don’t care who’s life you let me ruin
I want to love but I can’t
I want to heal but I can’t
I want to be happy but I can’t.
All because of you
But most of all I hate the fact that I live in you
I created you
I don’t know who I am
I want out of this body you created
You are me…
… and I am you
-athena lorber April 13, 2008