Title: Stranger than Fiction
Chapters: 3\?
afina_shiningGenre: AU,angst,romance with pitiful attempts of humor?
Warnings: this chapter: three curse words.
Rating: G (this chapter)
Pairings/Characters: Uruha\Aoi (or Kouyou\Yuu), more to come.
fortunate_heart thank you, my brave friend.
Synopsis: Aoi is a successful writer having a bad writers block. can young consultant Uruha help to reveal a loving soul in this cold-hearted anti-social man, and help him finish the book that is stranger than fiction?
Comments: my first multichapter,be nice and comment. your feedback is fuel to my writing engine <3
Comments 2: sorry it's boring. just the way i am. but i planned some action and drama further (><) gomen!
Chapter 3
Uruha spent an hour cleaning up the bathroom, thinking about the reasons for Aoi’s strange behavior. It was too late to call maintenance already so he just sat in the kitchen smoking his lungs out trying to find any reliable information about Yuu Shiroyama over the internet. The dark haired writer refused to leave Uruha’s mind. No doubt he was more than intrigued. And Uruha was worried. Aoi’s behavior, mood swings, his actions, the blonde thought it was more than just an extravagant facade, so he decided to find out for himself. Sure he could ask Aoi straight away, but then again, he highly doubted he’d get an answer. Three hours of searching gave him nothing, except for a small article in a small newspaper, about a family in Mie that died in a fire 12 years ago. The article lacked details and photographs, so the blonde decided to leave this for now. Tomorrow he'll talk to Yoichi and if nothing interesting comes out, he'll call his secret source.
Yuu woke up from another of his usual nightmares. The ones that make you feel frightened for some reason you can't pinpoint. It was disturbing nonetheless. The first thing Yuu noticed after he realized he was safe in his own bed was the silence. The usual silence he was familiar with over the years. No annoying whistling, no tone-deaf singing along to Beyonce, no sounds of vacuum cleaner or coffee machine running. No Uruha.
Yuu jumped from the bed going to the living room. No signs of Uruha. Then to his study (oh god please no!) Same result. Bathroom? Nothing. Why was Yuu looking for Uruha?
To make sure he's gone - he excused himself mentally.
Eventually he landed in the kitchen, where Uruha had left breakfast for him. And a note, both unnoticed while Yuu rummaged through the fridge trying to find something edible. Eventually the brunette turned to the table and found the breakfast Uruha prepared, cold already, but he ate it anyway. Having poured himself a coffee and lit a cigarette, Yuu finally noticed and read the note saying:
Morning Aoi-chan! -Yuu cringed
Sorry, I'm out for business for the day.
I cooked breakfast for you, warm it up in the microwave
if it's cold when you wake up. - "Shit"- Yuu thought here.
I called the maintenance, they'll send someone
to fix the washer on Monday, since it's the weekend already.
So please avoid the washing machine till then. - Yuu snorted.
I'll be back in the evening. Takeout for dinner, what do you think?
Pizza or Chinese? Maybe I’ll rent a movie on my way back.
Don't miss me too much!
Uruha XDD
The dark haired man sighed. This guy likes to make a big fuss out of everything. Dinner? Yuu doesn't care what he has for dinner as long as he has something. Movies? Yuu doesn't care either. He could as well watch TV, not that he pays much attention. Today he's all by himself and he has a lot to do.
Idea. He's got an idea. An old one actually, though he never finished the first chapter due to his damn writer's block. And it was a good idea. One of his favorites even. Of course if he can make it work.
Yuu was desperately rummaging through his cupboards trying to find the outline of the novel he started a long while ago. He was just simply throwing all the wrong items on the floor, destroying whatever chaotic order his study was in previously.
Nothing.. nothing...nothing...
"God dammit where are you!?"- he begged in frustration, having already destroyed most of his room, searching in all possible and impossible places.
"Yatta!!!"- he exclaimed happily, having found a thin pile of paper. Jumping up and down, hugging it and smiling all the way like an idiot he ran out of the house having thoughtfully locked the door behind himself. None of the people close to Yuu Shiroyama would believe in such thing, even if it was right before their eyes.
Yuu was sitting in the park, drinking his latté, smoking and thinking. That's what parks are for, right? He used to go here to make outlines of his novels, gather ideas, thinking over hard things. He preferred to write at home of course but here he could get inspired by something new, watching people having fun, or doing their business. Couples, families, lone people. So many of them. So different, yet the same. There was something charming about them, something Yuu couldn't understand. Something attractive. Thinking about their personalities, hobbies, occupation, status, anything he could make up or imagine. Some of his best novels were born in the park, where he could imagine a stranger in the black coat and a hat being a CIA agent or a foreign spy, waiting for his informer to appear. Or anyone and anything else. The park was the place where Yuu's imagination cut loose. And the place where he went to think over some serious issues. Like now. the outline of the novel was already re-written and edited three times. He could as well go home and start writing. Yeah, that'd be great to write like Yuu used to, sit down in front of his computer screen and lose whatever sense of time he has, coming to his senses only when the last line is written. The dark haired man laughed quietly remembering how hungry he always was after finishing the writing. So why was he sitting there? Uruha. Yes, he started to gain his inspiration back and it does mean that Uruha will be out of the picture when the novel's written. Surely he will leave. He might even leave before it's finished, who in their right mind would want to stay after the scenes Yuu made, after all the things he said and did, after... the bloody incident Yuu stupidly allowed Uruha to witness. No one would. And Uruha is just a normal guy with usual interests, though there was something outstanding about him, something different from ordinary people. Sincerity. Uruha was an outstandingly sincere with Yuu. Never having told a single untruth. And Yuu was a good face-reader, he could detect the smallest hint of a lie on a person's face. An ordinary human being lies 3 times in a 10 minutes conversation, he knew, but Uruha hadn't yet lied a single time. His anger was true, his annoyance, his concern - everything. And Uruha said he wanted to become Yuu's friend. It amazed the dark-haired man, because no one in the whole world ever truly wanted to be near Yuu. Except for his mother maybe. He had no friends at school, no friends in college, and all the people who said they want to be Yuu's friends after he became famous were lying. All the pretty women smiling at him only wanted a piece of him. No surprise he refused to surround himself with "friends". Anyone would, knowing every word they say is a lie.
"Aoi-chan!"- a woman's voice suddenly attracted Yuu's attention. She was addressing her llittle daughter though, not Yuu. The little girl who Yuu assumed to be Aoi-chan was crying loudly, her cheeks red and tearstained, her palm and knees scratched and dirty. Obviously the girl fell down, not a big deal.
Aoi-chan - Yuu thought.
He noticed how the girl cringed when her mother wiped her face with a handkerchief, how she fought when her mommy cleaned her scratched knees. Yuu smiled bitterly, comparing this scene to his fights with Uruha. The blonde man trying to help Yuu out, and Yuu pushed him away because of his stupid pride, because of his arrogance. Because he just wasn't used to sincerity. Right now these reasons seemed so small to Yuu, almost none-existent. And he decided to give it another try. He wanted to deserve that sincerity. He wanted to try to be a friend.
Aoi-chan - Yuu mumbled smiling to himself, getting used to this pet name. He stood up and left for home in an unusually good mood.
When Yuu got home he locked himself in the study diving into the imaginary world of his writing.
Uruha was sitting for half an hour sipping on his coffee, waiting for his student mate to turn up. Conversation with Yoichi gave him nothing, the man met Yuu in his late college years, having noticed his short stories published in some magazine. Yoichi only knew that Yuu had no family or friends and he was originally from Mie, Uruha already knew that. So he called his college friend Shou, who was working for one of the most respected magazines as a top journalist. Though punctuality never was one of Shou's strong points, Uruha wasn't surprised at the least when the fair haired man appeared at the coffee shop entrance 40 minutes late with a bright smile.
"So? Still working as Saga's personal bitch?"- Uruha laughed, remembering his past years working in the same magazine. Saga was their boss. Strict as shit. Nobody wants to mess with people like him. Except for Shou, who thoroughly enjoyed receiving bed punishment for his every mistake.
"Yeah, remember you thought he'll soften if I got him laid? -Shou laughed, - “Now let me inform you, you were so wrong!!"
"Looks like you're in love” - Uruha commented, - “Can't imagine you and Saga cuddling like two fucking lovebirds!"
"The only word close to reality here is 'fucking'” - Shou giggled, - “but back to the point, what's the deal, man? Tell right away cuz I don't have much time to chat, y'know saga, he's so possessive!!"
"Okay, little bitch, I need your help to find information about Yuu Shiroyama. His family, past, anything you find."
"Sure thing, Uru-chan, but first tell me why!"
" Uhmmm... I’m working for his publisher now, can't find the right way to approach him, and I thought if I knew about him more I could do my job better" - Uruha smiled bitterly “- And no I can't ask him, he's a very distant person"
"Cheer up honey, I’ll do my best! You’ll win your beauty in no time!- Shou stood up and hugged his friend goodbye,- See ya around, pretty!"
Uruha put the bags with groceries down, the silence that greeted him wasn't unusual, though there was something strange in this silence. The blonde strained his ears, trying to make out the source of the weird sounds. Small clicking sounds coming from the writer's study.
"Aoi-chan!"- Uruha knocked on the door, -"Five minutes till dinner time!"- soft mumbling came from the room, Uruha turned around and went to the kitchen to prepare food and put the groceries he bought into the fridge.
Ten minutes later he grabbed the doorknob and entered the study. The sight that met his eyes shocked him at first. A messy, messy, MESSY room. Papers littering the floor, cupboards upside down, bookcases open and in the middle of the mess, Aoi. Typing on the keyboard for all it's worth. His eyes wide, eye unfocused, mouth slightly open. Suddenly Aoi snapped out of his trance turning to Uruha's shocked expression, his cheeks turning right, eyes widen.
"I... I’m sorry, don't get mad please, I promise I’ll clean up, just give me five minutes to finish..." Uruha turned on his heels and left the room, landing in the kitchen with a cigarette in his mouth. All of his brazen activity reduced to repeating of the this single thought:
Aoi... writing... me... leaving...
Aoi writing, me -leaving.
Aoi writingmeleaving