Snakes on a Plane: The Review

Aug 26, 2006 10:44

Snakes on a Plane has to be one of the worst movies I have ever paid money to see.  The filmmaking was horrible.  This is a B-movie, through and through, and it probably only garners that rating from me because of it's use of it's budget.  All of the CGI was horribly done, and didn't even begin to suspend reality, but I'm getting ahead of myself.  I need to examine where the problems of the film start, and that's in the writing.

The script for Snakes on a Plane has the feeling that a 12-year old boy on a sugar-high wrote it, with plot holes, unnecessary romantic twists, and throwaway bull-shit lines like "I'm from Tennessee, I hadn't noticed."  The thing that I love about films of this "animal's-gone-crazy" genre is that when they're researched well, and have some basis in reality, it makes it so much more believable, more plausible, and generally scarier.  Bad writing, which is what this movie had, generaly leads to wrethced performances from the actors, and this film didn't surprise there at all.

I can't completely fault the actors, as I've said before, about their performances in this film, but there was a lot of over-the-top performances that left much to be desired.

The cinematrography also left a whole lot to be desired, as a whole lot of the choices they made did not make sense at all.  My biggest problem with the ccinematrography of this movie: snake-vision.  This also goes back to the research portion of making these kinds of movies, and if you're going to have snake-vision, at least make it look similar to how snakes seee, and not some lame green-thing that looks more like robot-snake-vision.

I was told before I saw the movie and had been talking about how I was planning on writing a review to look not the the cinematic qualities of the movie, but at it's entertainment qualities.  Well, here's my final ruling:

I WAS NOT entertained by this movie.  I was entertained by the myself and the people I was with, but not by the movie itself.  DO NOT go and see Snakes on a Plane IF you aren't going to go with a group of peple who would entertain you anyway.  if Snakes on a Plane was meant to etnertain me, the well, to paraphrase Samuel L. Jackson, I'm from Michigan...I hadn't noticed.
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