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Apr 03, 2006 22:51

Long day...ish. Slept through most of it hehe...mainly because I woke up and the walls and stuff were moving...and they aren't supposed to. *sigh* Hung out with Bill which was cool, even though he made fun of me for sounding like a stoner cause I was stuffed up and out of it. Is not nice to make fun of sick cats *makes face* Went to dinner and met up with Jen, Jess, and Shani. Went to library and then ghetto park with Jen...that park is sad but at least it had swings.:-D Came back to school and just hung out for awhile then went back to my room. Joe IMed me and then called...*sigh* I am now in blah mood cause he kept saying how bad his week is and how he didn't need me telling him what i did last night and so on...so yeah, feel kinda bad about it. Then he asked if we could just forget about what happened last night (me coming right out and saying I just want to be friends) *twitch* I IMed Jen and asked her to call me so I could get off the phone and now we are in Geo building with Robby. Want to get on AIM but AIM Express won't let you be invisible and that's what I need...bleh. Found out this weekend is SCA so Jen,me,and Brent won't get to game...that is sad. I was looking forward to gaming this weekend. Would be willing to just not go but Jen might get mad heh.
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