So. Watched some White Collar today. Pretty cool. I like. Will not be replacing Leverage but my god Matt Bomer is pretty. So, so pretty. *sparkle eyes*
Anyway... Also discovered, on my hunt for more White Collar (megavideo was being a bitch. again) that Being Human has started its second season! Or rather, series I should say since it's British and all. Fantastic though. I love it too. It's setting itself up for a good run.
We've got a new villain and some we're-just-here-for-the-show vamps and a psychic (more supernaturals out there!), and George is acting like a dink and Annie got a job (and a hot new friend!) and Mitchell is kind of aimless at this point. My god I'm looking forward to more. I just wish I could view all the videos on the
website (apparently they're not available in the US), though
youtube is a wonderful thing for most of them.
Okay, on to
Soul Eater 69! Finally!
-oooh shiny picture. (
Found it.)
-hmm, Medusa vs. Justin, Medusa appears to be at a disadvantage, is that supposed to be Justin in full weapon form?
-the crazy religious fanatic is about to pass judgment on the crazy "unclean witch" (burn her! buuuuurn her!)
-and Medusa voices what I was wondering
-Justin: I am the fist of God,
-and apparently it is Justin, headphones and all
-oh that's a lot of blood
-off with her head! (we all know how effective that is)
-Medusa will not be defeated by the same trick twice. you must work harder than that
-oh hey it's a little floating madness deflector. cool
-Justin: why do you insist on being a dirty heretic?
-Medusa: "defying gods is in a witch's job description." also, I troll for great lulz
-I suppose I'm to understand that Justin is not in his more full weapon mode. about time
-Justin: your magic is so old school, I don't even need to dodge it lol
-Medusa: yeah, you do that. see what happens
-combine old!snake magic with new!clown magic to make...
-pointier!snake magic. hmmm
-apparently these are worth dodging
-not that it does Justin much good
-Medusa: kids these days. no respect for their elders
-Justin: you forget I have a hole in my middle
-and there go all the pointy snakes
-Justin: your turn!
-WHOA NOW. there are two Justins! and two Medusas! who's being sneaky here?
-buuut, we don't get to find out right now
-Eruka does not like confrontation
-lolol tadpole bombs
-Black Star is DISPLEASED
-hahaha of course when you get captured by Black Star the first thing he thinks of is if you'll taste good
-doppelganger? hmm, I think it looks like whoever is looking at it, so...
-Tesca Tlipoca? the plot! she thickens!
-flashback! Justin and his devotion, clown, SHINIGAMI
-Justin does not like this trip down memory lane
-HOLY CRAP ON A CRACKER IT'S THAT GUY (lol I totally forgot his name before)
-oh hey that's a pretty cool power there lol I get it he's a mirror
-Tesca/Bearman and Justin were bffs
-except not really
-Justin: no rly i can't hear you
-Medusa: I'm...gonna leave now kthxbai
-Justin: yeah me too
-Chrona has escaped as well, wonders who this Maka person is (heartwarming flashbacks of friendship are imminent at some point I'm sure)
Back at Shibusen...
-correction: Back behind Shibusen...
-oh hey now random girl don't you know Soul is already spoken for?
-Soul: what do you want?
-random girl: please be my partner! I'll wait for yooooouuuuuu *flee*
-Soul: ...lolwhut?
-Soul is a popular guy
-yeah Soul, "partner request letters." is that what they're calling it these days
-Maka is not threatened by this because she knows she's the best partner he's gonna get (damn straight)
-Maka: lol your so popular
-Soul: it's just cause I'm a deathscythe now
-Maka: riiiiiiight. let's go *smack*
-Soul: what was that for?!?!?!
-Maka: for being dense
-other!random fangirl: *stalk* *skulk* *glower* *envy* *bitchandmoan* Soul and Maka are so incompatible!
-me: yeah, that's why SHE MADE HIM INTO A DEATHSCYTHE lolololol (I'm sorry, I'm a little defensive of my SoulMaka)
-oh god, who's putting this shojo plot into my Soul Eater? this is either going to be highly amusing or highly disastrous. probably both
-Maka: why aren't I getting any letters? I'm the one who did all the work *grmblegrumble*
Soul: we've been over this, you're not sexy, no one would want you that's why you're staying with me
-wait, so apparently becoming a deathscythe means they're not going to be partners anymore? why break up a good, proven team? especially to less experienced and less awesome underclassman?
-aaaaaaaaaaaand hello fanservice
-Maka: Soul, you're an idiot. also, guys in general
-yep, that's Blair. and those witches...
-witch: here, have my card. we don't care if you're underage *wink*
-witch cabaret club? I'm with Maka on the confusion part
-and, segue into Kid being beaten up. again
-Gopher/Waffles/whatever the hell his name is: beg for mercy! make my ego feel better!
-Kid: bitch please. I'm too cool for that
-Gopher: lulziest angry!face ever :<
-Kid: you're an idiot
-Kid will not be broken by beatings. unsurprisingly, he is by the unsymmetrical angry!face
Wow, lots of stuff going on this chapter. If you're as confused as I am,
this is a good place to start. Or
here. :)
Damn. Once again, I meant to go to sleep hours ago.