Weekend Update Yo

Aug 27, 2006 11:52

Friday night went to Andy's for his 25th quiet one.. Me Amber Shane Kayla Daz and Annie oh and of course Andeh were just having a few quiet drinks and checked out www.homestarrunner.com haha best site evar! "I Can Count To Purple...BACKWARDS!" hahaha..
Then Saturday went to the best breakfast cafe place with Shane.. yummeh! Then Shane suprised me by taking me up to Olida/Sky High Mountains.. best views up there hey.. then we took a 15minute hike through the forest where we came across wombat poo and Marijuana Plants and running down hills nearly falling on my ass and listening to kookabaras and throwing gum nuts at Shane haha.. and was perfect weather too! :D had a fantastic time
I spent wayyy to much money in JB Hi Fi.. Machine Made God album, Staind album, Fathers Day Gift, CRASH dvd etc

and Saturday night decided to have a quiet movie night at his watching CRASH and Rat Race.. We laughed and cried.. and I copped a few phone calls from Lloyd and such whinging about me not coming to Switch. Haha I love drunken phone calls.. brings me into stiches!

Well yeah that was my weekend overall.. yay!

PS: Cant say ive met anyone who takes me out to so many nice restaurants and really nice places before :)

PPS: And im growing closer to everyone in Hampton Park again which is fantastic! Kinda avoiding those not worth it anymore and enjoying the best company one could ask heh
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