(no subject)

Apr 23, 2006 21:57

So I decided to get the new sponsored account. Why? I like free stuff and I'm a whore for the pigs of capitalism that's why. (And damn proud of it, yay America!)Plus now my LJ looks like this, nifty huh? I also got a shitload of user pics which suits my fickle nature quite nicely.

I also quit my job because my Dad had been bitching at me about it since almost Day One becqause its "too far" and he doesn't like driving all the way out there (nvm I do have MY OWN car, but that's another complicated, hair pulling out subject.)so I just stopped showing up. I've got to turn it my uniform, ID and get my last paycheck still though. I did at least make enough money to go to Comic Con, so I guess all those 12 hour shifts were worth it.

I'm also obsessed with Howl's Moving Castle, I have no idea why, I just really like it. For the most part the fan fiction is really good, so even though its a small fandom its a good one. Also I've been getting into A Distant Soil, a series with a virtually inactive fanbase, but then I can act like a litterary snob about it, because everyone knows if no one's ever heard of something, its true art. Not like that boregious crap Harry Potter.

Its just like real life!

I also found an interesting video on youtube,com that's suppose to be the opening of Neon Genesis Evangelion. I dunno if it is or just someone's tribute (since it features some scenes from the movie, OMG! SPOILERS!!!), but its still pretty good.

Oh yeah, want to see something funny? Take an actual German to Weinerschintzel or Coldstone Creamery and watch them freak about the abuse of the German language. And I mean real abuse, "Choclate Cake" in German is "Shockoladen Kuchen", not "Kockalat Kake" with random umlauts over the vowels Coldstone. And Weinerschintzel details a long explanation into German grammar that I'm not up to at 11:04 pm, but Lea won't shut up about it.

I'm done babbling now.
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