The Finch Flew the Coop.

Mar 20, 2006 20:05

Today my Lady Goulian finch Danzig, (He looks like the one on the left) somehow got out of the cage. Probably through the small opening where the food dish used to be. I noticed he was gone after I looked into the cage after coming up from feeding the horses. My sister found him on the floor, poor thing was so tired he didn't even fight me as I scooped him up and out him in the cage. He must have been out for some time because after I covered the cage so he wouldn't stress more he immediately went to sleep. What I don't understand is why our dogs (who sleep in our bedroom) didn't attack him when he got out. Maybe he was too small to be bothered with or they didn't even notice him. Well anyway through luck or fate, I'm glad I found him all right, I would have hated to loose not only my dog but one of my birds too in the same month.
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