I am teh artist!!1!

Feb 17, 2006 20:08

For the last few weeks I've been making lots of Gaia avatars to repersent my RPG characters, and to show you all how talented I am, 'll share them with ya'll.

Glee (OC) in everyday wear and battle uniform.

Shadowcat, battle uniform (From an X-men evolution game)

Kitty and Rachel Summers-Grey from said game. (Where they are engaging in quite a "close" friendship.)

Wild West Gambit (From an old Weest AU.)

Marrow from same game.

Rachel Summers-Grey in civilian wear and then her bank-robbing indenity "The Red Menace".

Now, naked Gambit for all of the fangirls out there!

Oh yeah.

So if you feel so inclined to make some dolls yourself, the link's here. I like to see a bunch of fandom dolls!


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