i will kill the person who made the movie "It" that was a disgrace to the words; It, Steven King, Pennywise, and anything associated with the movie.
The monster has really been getting me lately, i hate when that monster comes around.
still like girl, still don't have the courage to tell her, she still can take a shitty day and turn it around.
wanna quit cold stone so bad. want to eat taco bell.
need to get hair cut
need to get hair cut
need to get hair cut
need to get hair cut
need to get hair cut
need to get hair cut
dissapointed with "coral fang"
umm... is that it??/ i believe so for the time being.
01. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 02. Am I loveable? 03. How long have you known me? 04. When and where did we first meet? 05. What was your first impression? 06. Do you still think that way about me now? 07. What do you think my weakness is? 08. Do you think I'll ever get married? 09. What makes me happy? 10. What makes me sad? 11. What reminds you of me? 12. What is my best quality? 13. How well do you think you know me? 14. When's the last time you saw me? 15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? 16. Do you think that I could kill someone? 17. Who would play me in a movie? 18. If I were to be a color, what one would I be? 19. Describe me in one word. 20. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same? 21. Do you think that I am stubborn? 22. Are you going to put this on your livejournal and see what I say about you?
number schwam
I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less.
Ask me anything you want and I will answer.
Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything
if you post anon. make sure you leave your name
number doo
Comment and answer the following
Would you rather:
1) a) die drowning OR b) die in a fire
2) a) get drunk OR b) get stoned
3) a) live forever OR b) die tomorrow
4) a) shave your moms bikini line OR b) shave your dads ass
5) a) have loved and lost OR b) have never loved at all
6) a) be michael jackson OR b) a kid in his bed
7) a) Float like a butterfly OR b) Sting like a bee
8) a) know when you will die OR b) know how you will die
9) a) drink coke OR b) drink pepsi
10) a) dead and hated OR b) dead and forgotten?
you know you have a shitty job when your manager doesn't even show up for work.... and thinks he's gonna be replaced by a 19 pot head.
Coin Return
do you ever get that funny feeling, that itch right below the skin? that itch down by your wrists tat only a razor blade will scratch?