Apr 12, 2006 00:04
Hey all!
I never update anymore, now do I? This semester has been incredibly busy with the two internships, AAF presidency, 4 classes, and much more active social life than the past 3.5 years. I barely get the sleep I need, let alone time to LJ!
Everything has been really good. I never have too many complaints about school, friends, family...life in general. Sure, there are some real suck ass days, but on the whole, life has been swell.
I was at PAWS tonight having dinner with Christine when I noticed a band was setting up on stage. I decided I wanted to eat by the band to hear them, so Christine agreed. Turns out it was the Battle of the Bands competition and Blinde Rhetoric was on first. Check them out on My Space!! THEY ARE AMAAAAZING! It's hard to believe such talent comes out of Towson. I'm not putting my school down by any means. THis goes for any school. It amazes me that we can sit next to a person and not know a thing about them, and then find out they are a multi-talented musician (or whatever). It almost makes me want to stalk everyone I see to find out what talents they possess which I don't know about haha. Not really...
Classes are a drag. A serious drag. I can't seem to get started on some of my group projects (and neither can anyone else in the groups) which are due soon. It's kind of worrying me, but not enough to go to the library.
Man, remember when I used to LIVE there? Weekdays, weeknights, weekends...yeah...
A lot of cases of indecent exposure have been reported at Cook Library. I have yet to witness public masturbation or strip teases. I guess if I lived there like I used to, I'd be honored with one of these free shows. Too bad.
SOmeone spray painted and broke the leg off of the Towson Tiger. I am so sick of the lack of school pride people have. I mean, if you don't want to cheer on the sports teams, or go to any school events, that's cool but don't destruct property! Now our tiger is gone, not that it was anything great to look at anyway. But the fact is, our mascot has been taken away for some immature retard's acts.
In other news, the Bahamas were amazing. Check out all my photos on facebook (my album and then the ones ppl tagged of me) for the full story haha. I don't really feel like giving a detailed description of the events. It wasn't crazy there...not like Acapulco or Puerto Vallarta. We sat out on the beach all day, ordered mixed drinks while watching booty shakin' contests and swimming in the blue sea, we sipped our free Bahama Mama's by the hotel pool, we slept on the white sand, ate great meals that took forever to get to our table bc the motto is "don't worry mon. be patient", danced a lot, drank a lot, threw up a bit, and slept not enough.
That was the Bahamas in a nut shell. Needless to say, I had an amaaaaaaazing time.
The tan is the best souvenier I brought back to the states. I really don't want it to disappear. haha
God this entry is SO lame! No wonder I don't update.
I'm really sad about graduating. After Christine left the battle of the bands thing, and Rita (who i sat with after christine left) went to Fells Point for bartending lessons, I sat at a table by myself and listened to Layhill play. When Micah said to the judges, "Come on...it's my last year here." a wave of sadness came over me. It almost seems pathetic to admit that that comment would actually put tears in my eyes. It was just weird sitting there, listening to the music, seeing people I remember from Freshman year, all getting ready to leave this place we've called home for the past 4 years. It's something we all share in common..it's our home away from home, and we're leaving it, never to come back at the same time. We'll never be rowdy college kids again, staying up until 5am having dance parties and talking about our fears of life after graduation. I can't even think of how many times I've complained about this feeling. I don't even know if there's anyone in my group who is AS SAD as I am. I know most everyone is anxious, but I don't think anyone is as reluctant to move on.
I wish i knew what it was that made me this way
I like change. I think change is good.
I like moving around, but I don't like saying good bye. Maybe that's the problem?
Eh, who knows. The fact of the matter is, it's April 11th...I'm graduating May 26th...I need to have a job...I need to start my life. All this "boo hoo i'm going to miss college" is going to go away and everything will be peachy keen. Even if I have to live at home in order to survive.
The world is expensive.
Speaking of, I got a new car. A 2006 Toyota Corolla! My parents and grandparents paid for it as my graduation present. I bought the spoiler though since that wasn't in the deal. I am sooo excited to see it when I go home! My poor station wagon wouldn't go in reverse anymore, so it went to a charity. *tear* it's in a better place.
Is it strange that I kissed the drivers seat when I had to say good bye to it, and mumbled a little thing or two as I sat in there for the last time?
If you answered "yes", you're wrong.
I used to drag sheets in that car when I was 6 yrs old to make forts on our long drives to PA to visit my dad's side of the family. The very thought that I'll never see that car from my childhood again makes me sad. Gosh...I really am bad at moving on.
Anyhoo, I found my cousin on Facebook last night. She's starting college at Roanoke next year and it freaks me out. I can't believe it! She's the first of my cousin's to be old enough to go off to college! I wonder how she's going to be there. Is she going to be super studious? Studious but a party girl? A total rebel now that she's FINALLY away from my aunt and uncle? I wonder, I wonder, I wonder...
And her sister, who is the exact opposite in every way, is starting high school in the fall. She's looking forward to it because, as she told my mom, "There are older boys there. You know...ones with cars."
aye yi yi...Aunt Lori and Uncle Robert are going to have fun with katie next year haha. They had it easy with Kristen!
I want to make a lot of money in a few years. I know, random. But I've been thinking about the kind of life I want for myself. It's always been kinda blank to me, like, I just didn't know what I wanted--I couldn't see myself in the future. Now I can, and it's scary for a few reasons, kinda confusing, but really nice all at the same time.
UGH MAAAARK (said in a british accent bc he's from England) told Christine he's obssessed with THe Fresh Prince of Bel Air. WELL! She said that we would get along fabulously because I am obsessed too! I even have the first 2 seasons on DVD. He just came upstairs and took my babies away. I feel like a part of me is missing. Seriously. I threatened him (this is the first time i've spoken to this guy, too) and told him if he ruins or looses them, he's dead.
I think we got off to a friendly start.
Anyhoo, we did the Carlton Dance in the living room as we discussed some fabulous episodes. I think this Mark dude is pretty damn neat. And the whole british accent thing rocks hardcore.
Saturday April 22nd, 2006 at 8pm, VMI's Glee Club is going to perform here!! Let me know if you want details!! I'm sure Sean would love the surprise of seeing his friends in the audience!!! I know I'd love to see you all!
I almost fell asleep driving today. I rested one eye at a time while driving. It was serious. I was driving in between 18-wheelers, dozing off. You don't need to tell me how dangerous that is.
Considering I have to be up to get to work in time for an 8am meeting, I should head to bed.
Bye bye my darling LJers.