Read: Finished The Quartered Sea. I think it ends up the least good of the series, and I have issues with it that aren't worth bringing up on decade old book that nobody else has read.I followed it with The Traitor Baru Comorant. Which I adored while reading it, and am side-eyeing now. Partially because I kept seeing reviews that mentioned the romance, so I was not expecting how that romance ended. And then read reviews that brought up the tragic queer narrative, and I'm having trouble arguing with those reviews. And now that I'm finished with the book, I find the handling of the evil empire as very heavy handed.
After that, I started Naomi Novik's Uprooted. Again, I'm agreeing the reviews that it bogs down in the middle. In fact, I'm a couple of chapters from the ended, and still feel like I'm reading through the marsh. Which might be why I decided not to take the library book to work, and started reading a romance during my work breaks.
Which was The Royal We by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan. I impulse bought it after a review on Smart Bitches, and it is ridiculous. It roughly based on Prince William and Kate. I'm just trying not to judge myself for reading and enjoying it, OK?
Reading: See above.
Next Up: If I need more fluff, I've got one of the latest Zoe Chant novellas on the nook. Or my reservation on Nnedi Okorafor's Lagoon came in.
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