And it's Wednesday again. This will not be terribly in depth, as I've been headachy all day (enough that I emailed in sick this morning and napped most of the day).
What are you reading?
Nothing right now. Finished my last book a minute ago and about to go back to bed.
What did you just finish reading?
After highly enjoying her podcast Galatic Suburbia, I decided to try Tansy Rayner Roberts' Love and Romanpunk. Very enjoyable collection of short stories. Not deep, but a fun romp. I shall keep an eye open for her other books.
My favorite read this week was Nicola Griffth's Slow River. I'm also worried when a book touches on my area of specialty, but this is my favorite science fiction novel partially set in in a high tech sewage treatment plant (with a side of bioremediation). I was in the mood for more like Ammonite, and remembered that I had this on my "to read" shelf (which I don't actually use). Good choice.
Ilona Andrews' (actually, written by a couple named Ilona and Andrew) Steel's Edge was my light and fluffy read of the weekend. I can't handle their other series due to world building choices, but for romance fantasy, I like their Edge series. Someday I'll fully develop my rant about the continuum of urban fantasy, but this is of the type that gets its plotting from the romance end.
Karen Lords' Best of All Possible Worlds. Enjoyed. Plot seemed very random at time, but I enjoyed it, especially it realized that there is enough room in a planet for a variety of cultures.
And I finished Karen Healey's Shattered. Now I want to go to New Zealand. Sadly, I think Lawnchair will veto the idea with the fear that I would spend all my money on wool.
What are you going to read next?
I plan to start Judith Herrin's Women in Purple. After reading a good review in someone's Reading Wednesday (see, I'm keeping up this meme because it has really helped my reading list recently), I complained because the public library didn't have a copy and it wasn't cheap. Lawnchair helpfully asked if I'd checked the Uni library. They did have a copy, so he checked it out for me (and pointed out that if it was a subject that interested me there was plenty of other books on that subject shelved nearby).
Graydown loaned me Elizabeth Bear's Shoggoths in Bloom. I'm usually not a fan of short stories, but Bear is really good at them. Not sure what I'll start as my lunch book, but I've got a couple of unreads on the Nook.
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