All right. Tagged by
incognita, ai ai ai:
The rules are that once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 5 weird things/habits about yourself. In the end, you need to choose 5 people to be tagged, list their names and post a comment that says "you are tagged".
o1: I have to do certain things equally, or a number of times.Not closing doors or
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01. I love two entirely different weather conditions.
I complain when it's too hot outside, I complain when it's freezing outside, but I absolutely LOVE piling on the clothes to play in the snow, or stripping most of them off to go to the beach. I am most content in Summer and Winter, in that order.
02. I'm a really picky eater.
I refuse to eat any sort of meat, poultry, or fish unless it's fully cooked. No sushi or medium rare for me! I also enjoy really weird combinations that most people don't do. For example, I used to put Cocoa Puffs in chocolate ice cream, Lucky Charms in vanilla ice cream, and so on.
03. I purposely ignore phone calls so I can call the person back and pretend that I was busy.
I have no life. I can deal with it. But when certain people call me, and all those certain people do is complain about the drama in their lives, I'll ignore their calls 2 or 3 times before I pick up or return them. That way I can tell them that "so and so" was here or that I was busy doing "such and such" with someone. I don't LIE about it, I just stretch the truth a little to make their complaints less important.
04. I love driving.
I get satisfaction out of going really slow when someone wants to pass me and then flooring it when they have the chance. There are probably at least a dozen cars in my area plotting revenge against me and I don't care! I'm allowed to have a little fun once in awhile..
05.I have insanely bad fears of dying in bad ways.
I'm terrified of drowning or suffocating. I'm terrified of burning alive in a fire. Anything that involves me losing oxygen or something otherwise where I wouldn't be able to get out or away has kept me awake many nights.
I don't know how weird these are, but most people don't know them, so they're weird enough for me.
Thanks for filling it out =)
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