where pip allfillerandnokiller's :

Oct 22, 2006 19:18

I hope you don't mind my using this barlights, if you care I will erase it forever and bring timtams:

My Personality





Openness To Experience






Test Yourself Compare Yourself
MySpace Layouts, Ugg Boots and MySpace by Pulseware Survey Software

timtam! it's the word. I can't get past the word. aiee. :)

At this momentLook to your left. What do you see?:my bed, the wall, the window. trees, the top of the church. Open up your internet bookmarks. What site is the fifth from the top?:d2jsp forums. ahahah. Are you wearing shoes?:I am not. I should be, my toes are frozen. Close your eyes and type the first letter you hit on the keyboard.:h Turn on the radio. What song is on?:104.9.. ad for 'the drink' nightclub. never heard of it. Are there dirty dishes in your kitchen sink?:I don't think so. Are you drunk right now?:I'm drinking a sunrype-vitaburst 'cherry berry' juicebox. So no. Do you have pictures on your refrigerator?:There's one tiny one on the side of it, that's all. If so, what are they of?:My brother and I when we were little. What color is your underwear?:Black and pink! Are you on a laptop or a PC?:PC. What are you going to do after you complete this?:The other survey from lindsay. -.- Name two things sitting on your desk.:cucumber melon lotion. digital camera. Are you daydreaming about anything?:oh gosh, not really. graduating? Do you remember your dream from last night? What was it about?:I had this one where my brother was about to burst into the room and bitch at me. I was sleeping at Tyler's, and when I heard the door in my dream open, I sat upright in bed and said all bitchily "WHAT.", thinking I was dreaming. To my surprise, Tyler was standing in the actualnotdreaming doorway, confused and having just got home from work. My bad lol. Sorry about that. Ever had a dream where you were flying?:Yes! Are you chatting via IM right now?:I am. What's your screen name?:Pip. or nonsensical tea. Do you use Internet Explorer or Firefox?:firefox. Did you check your email today?:I did. Anyone write you?:gillybean22 was the last one! In your email box, who is the third message from?:no one, i file away/delete things as I get them. In your Spam/Bulk email folder, what's the first message subject say?:'SdbXekwTSeXlgRSEXUALY-EpLICIT: BREAKING N... ' MMM. Are you hungry right now?:I just ate a huge salad, no. Did you take this survey because you had nothing better to do?:Pretty much! Take this survey | Find more surveys
Bzoink - The Original Survey Site

Strange questionsWhat is the closest thing to you that is orange?:A red/orange/yellowybeige candle. Do you have a drinking problem?:I haven't been drunk in ages. What was your weirdest dream??:I'm not sure! Refer to previous survey? Have you ever almost burned down a house?:No, thankfully. Does it annoy you when people act stupid for attention?:omfg. Too much, too much. What would people think if they could read your mind?:I worry too much. I think about much too mindless of things. Do your parents know your darkest secret?:No. What is your darkest secret?:It wouldn't be much of a dark secret if I published it lj-style. You ever had a near death experience with a sheep?:You know, I don't think that I have. Have you even seen anything that you wish you didn't see?:Well nothing's springing to mind.. Have you ever had a deadly experience with a wild animal?:YES. No. Sort of. The cow named Pip at amanda's farm ran to attack us D: Do you like being a slut on halloween?:I'm always pretty covered up, how inappropriate guys. Are you a slut all year long?:fuck yeah. What age did you stop believing in santa claus?:i was pretty little, maybe 5 or something? What sound makes your ears want to bleed?:how to explain.. when someone goes right up to your ear and makes .. spitty kind of noises with their tongue right near your ear? o.o' bugs me so much.  edit: AND THAT TERRIBLE OATMEAL CRUNCH/MUESLIX COMMERCIAL WITH THE TWO LITTLE GIRLS SINGING SO TERRIBLY AND THE PARENTS ARE EATING CEREAL GOOD GOD.Who is the ugliest person you can think of?:Oh now that's mean. I can't think of anybody. What doctor do you dread seeing the most?:I'm pretty good for doctors. the gyno? I don't know. >.>' i'm so young! What do you think the most pointless store at the mall is?:the "LOL Store", little booth in the mall-aisle bit that has shirts that say LOL and things on them. eww.. Have you ever woke up and you were crying?:No. Not quite Do you like to dance on table tops?:I would topple off so quick.. I don't dance. Have you ever used a copy/scaner machine inappropriately?:oh how embarrassing Icouldn't do that. =x Which of your friends is most likely to pass out drunk?:Oh gosh I'm not sure. I wanna say one person but apparently they quit drinking.. Which of your friends is most likely to go streaking?:well i mean lindsay even said in her survey that she'd do it.. so her! Has a llama ever spit on you?:Strangely, no. Have you ever eaten seaweed?:Strangely, no. What is the strangest things you've ever eating?:Squid. Do you think the president is hot?( I hope you don't cuz that is just wrong:ho ho. Type " turkey sandwich on pizza while butchering a pig" with your eye close:turkey sandwich on pizza while butchering a pig. oh snap guys Have you ever broken into someones home?:Lol, no. Where is the best place the hide a body?:The three secret compartment bits in my house. ;) Have you ever yelled at non living things?:Oh absolutely. Have you ever lived in a box on the street?:Never. Do you help old people accross the road?:Nobody needs help crossing the street in Edenwold. There are very few cars and certainly no busy intersections. Take this survey | Find more surveys
Bzoink - The Original Survey Site

hope you don't mind, toxic_flurrie!

What've I been up to.. There was no school Friday, so Thursday I went to Tyler's house. We were meant to go to the science centre on Friday since he didn't work and I didn't school, but we got up late so there wouldn't be enough time. D: We did go out for supper though and that was lovely, thank you sweetums. We saw Accepted after that, and then watched telly all night. Hooah. Accepted was actually pretty funny.

Now I should be working on an essay due tomorrow, but instead I'm listening to tunes, counseling a sad pal (I don't know what to say.. he's sad because he doesn't have a girlfriend, only I've been trying to be optimistic and nice about it for weeks now and he's not making any progress), and filling out bzoink.com surveys.

I suck at buying Christmas presents. Aiee!

I want to go to Illinoissssss. Aioo.


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