My dad gave me
this camera to use, even though it's still officially his. It's not mad-expensive or crazy fancy (always gotta add those somewhat prefixes on there), but considering I wasn't expecting him to literally walk into my room with the box and everything and tell me to take a lot of pictures, it works for me. :)
It's my dear Tyler's birthday tomorrow, he'll be 18. =) I gave/told him his stuff already, he got a misfits wall flag so I'd have something to hand him, and I'm buying him a tattoo of his choosing. Choose well, lovey. I believe he wants
this business, without the words. Whatevs.
Pip says:
Sweetie I'm gonna be all over the place at the grad banquet.
Sackman. says:
Pip says:
Everyone's gonna laugh at me you gotta teach me how to dance =x
Sackman. says:
Lol ok.
Sackman. says:
Am I coming? o.o
Pip says:
If you want.
Pip says:
I asked you before and you said yes.
Pip says:
Sackman. says:
Pip says:
I asked you more than once and you did.
Sackman. says:
I do!
Pip says:
Sackman. says:
Because =)
Sackman. says:
My pip is graduating.
Cutehead. ♥
I wonder if he'd get annoyed with all the lovey-dear-sweetums stuff, on here. My bad.
I know he got a little upset because I left his house this morning, I was meant to spend thanksgiving with his family later in the day but I've been a bit sick all weekend and woke up at 7am today from my tummy hurting really really bad so my dad took me home. Sorry. =x
Now, to steal
thepoetjunkie's survey,
Have you Ever...?Played Spin the Bottle?:No! Toilet Paper someone's house:I wouldn't dare. =x Played Poker with money:Yes. Gone swimming in a white T-shirt:I went watersliding, I'm kind of an idiot. been tickled so hard you couldn't talk:=( like someone but never told them:Yes. went camping:Sort of. had a crush on your broher's friend:Indeed! My brother's a year older than me, so.. so he's got some friends I chat with. walk in the rain without an umbrella:Yes. told a joke that NObody thought was funny:oh probably. been in a talent show:I wouldn't dare that one either. started laughing at someone's bedtime:I don't think so. worn somthing your mom didn't appove of:Yes. been to a nude beach:No. drank jack daniels:Yes. cursed in a church:I've never gone to church. been called a slut for kissing someone:No. burnt yourslef with a curling iron/straightner:Oh yes. wanted to be a police officer:Naw. dumped someone:Yes. been hit on by someone too old:Yeah. wanted to be a model:I couldn't do that. =\ bought lottery tickets:I'm too little. made out in a car:Yes. cried during a movie:Yes. wanted something you couldn't have:Oh likely. had sex on the beach:No. had the drink sex on the beach:No! seen someone shoplift:Yes. hung up on someone:Probably. Well I always say bye, I just don't wait for a response. yelled at you pet:I have. =x bought a thong when the casheir was a guy:Possibly. tried to strip when drunk:No, thankfully. Ew.. gotten seasick:No. had a stalker:Not quite. played a prank on somone that had them really scared:I couldn't =x been embarassed by one of your family:Yes. felt bad about eating meat:Yes. protested:No. been to an island:Scotland's a bit of an island yes? been in love:Yes. ate jus because you were bored:All the time, it's my thing. looked at something everybody thought was ugly and said "aww":=) Screamed in a library:No! Made out with a stranger:No. But macked on, yes. Been Dumped:Yes. Wished a part of you was different:Yes. asked a guy to dance:I think so? been asked out by a really hot guy:<3 laughe so hard ou cried:Oh, all the time. went up to a complete stranger and started talking:Not really. Only unexciting things like "asldfasjd was that bus 8 that just pulled away?" >.>' been sunburned:Yes. I don't tan. I burn. kicked a guy in the nuts for being a pervert:Never. threw up in school:Never, only mad-retching? recieved an anonymous love letter:Naw. had to wear something you hated:Ever worn a cheerleader's outfit? been to a luau:Naw. say your ex and wanted to kick his ass:Oh dear, yes. cursed in front of your parents:Yes. been in a commerical on tv:No. watched a movie that made you miss your ex:Probably at some point in the past. been out of the country:Yes. been honked at by some guy when you were walking down the sidewalk:Yes. won at pool:Mhm. went to a party where you were the ony sober one:No. went on a diet:Yes. been lost out to sea:No. cheated on your bf:No. been cheated on:Not that I know of. tanned topless:No. been attacked by seagulls:No. =\ that's mortifying. been searched in an airport:Not that I recall. been on a plane:Yes. been pants-ed:No. =# thown a shoe at someone:Yes. broke someone's heart:Possibly. sung in the shower:Yes. I'm terrible. bought something way too expensive:Oh, likely. done something really stupid that you still laugh about:Likely, but I can't think of anything just now. =x been walked in on when you were dressing:Yes. ran out of a movie theatre because you were too scared of the movie:No. been kicked out of the mall:No. ben mean to someone then instantly wanted to take it back:Yes. been given a detention on the worst day that you could get one:No. done something stupid when you were drunk:Sort of, I'm mostly good for that. fell off your roof:No, thank the lord. pretended you were scared so you could cuddle up with someone:Naw, I'd just cuddle up with someone? had a deer jump in fron of your car:No, thankfully. threated someone witha water gun:I hate water guns. Can you....Unwrap a starburst with your tounge:Yes, but not well. and it's all slobbery after. D: sing:A little. open your eyes underwater:I'm not sure, I'm too scared to so I've honestly never tried. eat whatever you want and not have to worry:Sort of. ice skate:Yes! sing in front of a crowd:Never tried. =x whistle:Mhm. be a bitch at times:OHOHO. do thirty pull ups:Like sit-ups? Yes. walkin in really high heals:I think so. eat super spicy foods:Not well. Not well. skateboard:It's not something I've put time into, strangely. sleep with the lights on:Yes. I can sleep anywhere, anytime. I'm a little proud of it, really. mulititask:For the most part. touch your nose with your tounge:No. fall asleep easily in the car:Yes, as long as it isn't toooo bumpy. do the cotton eye joe:I don't even know what the cotton eye joe is. I know it's a song, but.. o.o play ddr and not fall:Yes? I've done it a whopping twice, both times I stumbled off laughing too hard, but I didn't fall! surf:I suspect no. fit in your locker:Yes. do a split:I used to. taste the difference between pepsi and coke:Oh yes.
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My tum hurts so I better go shower and clean my room and do my homework and get off to bed.