Feb 11, 2004 20:32
I dont understand when people say they hate kids. I guess they see like this 4 foot tall embodiment of terror and annoyance. Always screaming and yelling, kicking up a racket is about all they are good for. True some kids are a bit out of control and they do get on ones nerves. I have always loved kids. Just watching them thinking about what they are thinking about. When you are little you never realize how good you have it. I mean think about living life as a kid. Its one sweet deal. You dont have school, you dont have a job, you dont got any real enemies, hell you dont even have to wipe your own ass. Not only that but the mental state of a child is something you cant ever achieve again no matter how hard you try. You can act like a child but you can never go back to thinking like a child. Innocence that became an object of desire for me as soon as I realized that I had lost it. Left behind like bits of meat to feed the machine. Society just sucks all of our youthful innocence without even letting us know. Before you know it you go from building forts out of blankets at sleep overs to seeing what might be on HBO. With today's modern times innocence is lost so quickly and is replaced with relentless violence and sex. Tainting a once pure mind. A mind once only focused of living life, never before sidetracked. The thing is if you shelter a kid to try and preserve his innocence he doesnt truly live. I wish I could be the Catcher in the rye field as the children play protecting them from the fall, but sometimes you just have to sit back and take a look at a child for what they really are, little Zip-Lock Bags of Innocence, bound to be opened and deflated sooner or later. Innocence is something that child has and that no other person can other obtain after its gone. I could ramble more but I would rather skank around my house blasting the specials. Until next time, zombies rock and keep on stormtroopin'!