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Jan 01, 2009 20:24

I offer my most sincerest apologies, flist for ignoring you. My life decided to be very rude and inconvenient and turned itself on its head a week before Christmas and as such I haven't been able to get on a computer for two weeks.

I pretty much have one thing to say: I am sick to death of Twilight.

How did you do it, America? How could you possibly cope with seeing it everywhere for three years? I can't even last a month of the crazy and I (as much as it pains me to say it) actually like it.

In short: the movie came out here and Australia imploded onto itself.

Seriously, my facebook news feed was literally EATEN by comments and statuses of "OMGTWILIGHT!!!!!!!" "ROB PATTINSON, MARRY ME!" and other such rubbish. Friends who I would have never picked EVER to have liked it, friends who are the most practical people I know are OBSESSED!

I thought I could escape it because for a week I was off to PY Camp (which is a Christian camp I go to every year that is THE BEST) and I thought vampires may not be very high on the priorities. WRONG! As soon as I walked into registration I spied a copy of Eclipse laying on top of someone's suitcase and thought, "Uh oh". It was only the beginning. Every man and his dog was reading it, I had at least six conversations when Twilight was mentioned.

But the clincher was during a 'Battle of the Sexes' activity and the challenge involved a slide show with celebs and stuff and you had to buzz in and name them. (You can see where this is going.) Anyway, we were getting towards the end of the round and BAM a giant RPattz is on the screen and the girls went absolutely MENTAL! My eardrums just about exploded.

We won that round.

Then, on the bus coming home today (it was just a bus of country kids cause the camp is on the coast) there were at least three people reading the first book INCLUDING a guy.

I don't even know why it's irritating me so much but whatever it is, it's not stopping me from seeing it in forty-five minutes. It's the first chance I've had to see it since it came out and I'm going with one really serious, obsessed friend and one sceptical, feminist friend. A nice balance.

In other news, got my exam results. 95.5

I am stoked.
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