First years
Aury Hakkan:Gryffindor She's very nice!
Ethan Tibble: Ravenclaw TIBSYTIBSYTIBSYTIBSY. Tibsy is one of my best friends, and he's my cousin, and he shares his notes with me. Some day we're going to grow up and be professional Quidditch players together.
Cassie Carys: Ravenclaw Cassie is really nice, even if she does like pink.
Gertrude O'Malley: Ravenclaw Gertrude is nice!
Pimento Pepper: Ravenclaw Pimento is kind of nice. But she also hexed me once. I'm sometimes scared of her. I'm sure we'll be friends.
Brian Ledger: Hufflepuff That's me!
Matthieu Cowan: Hufflepuff Matt is a brilliant friend, and he grew up in the Muggle world like me. It's nice to chat to him after lights out, even if it annoys the other boys.
Isabel Pepper: Hufflepuff Isabel is very nice, and she feeds George. I like sitting with her in classes, it makes me feel a little better knowing there is someone else who doensn't get all of this.
Phania Florentine: Hufflepuff Theo is really nice! I feel bad for her about her sister.
Second Years
Lea Carlson: Gryffindor Lea is really nice. Even though she has pink hair.
Gillichu Chandler: Ravenclaw Gillichu is nice, but grumpy!
Ruth Ann Hunter: Ravenclaw Ruth Ann talks too fast, but she's still nice!
Stephen Howell: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!
Claudia Lyons: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!
Tamara Departie: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!
Third Years
Bess Baker: Gryffindor I'm sure they are really nice!
Maible Gallagher: Gryffindor I'm sure they are really nice.
Rain Mansfield: Ravenclaw I'm sure they are really nice!
Logan Maladroit: Hufflepuff Logan is very nice!
Andrew Roux: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!
Amorisa Amherst: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!
Sara Jenkins: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!
Fourth Years
Amaury Oniyama: Gryffindor I'm sure they are really nice!
Addie Blackwood: Gryffindor I'm sure they are really nice!
Qailah Noorani: Gryffindor I'm sure they are really nice!
Rebecca MacAlaister: Gryffindor I'm sure they are really nice!
Sumia Noorani: Gryffindor I'm sure they are really nice!
Adrian Devlin: Ravenclaw I'm sure they are really nice!
Apollo Devlin: RavenclawI'm sure they are really nice!
Danny Parker: Ravenclaw I'm sure they are really nice!
Lia Callahan: Ravenclaw She plays Quidditch, so she must be AMAZINGLY nice!
Naia Bergren: Ravenclaw I'm sure they are really nice!
Pearline Devlin: Ravenclaw I'm sure they are really nice!
Ben Baker: Hufflepuff I'm sure they are really nice!
Arisha O'Hearn: Hufflepuff I'm sure they are really nice!
Emily Salem: Hufflepuff I'm sure they are really nice!
Rajani Parthasarathy: Hufflepuff I'm sure they are really nice!
Cody Nelson: Slytherin YAY! He plays Quidditch!
Ramsey Tibble Jr. Slytherin He plays Quidditch! And Ethan says he is very nice!
Rus Hayton: Slytherin I'm sure they are very nice!
Fifth Years
Asher Griffin: Gryffindor I am sure he is very nice!
Jonathan O'Neill: Gryffindor I think he's funny :D
Scott Dorminson: Gryffindor I am sure he is very nice!
Anora Bertrade: Gryffindor She's kind of pretty nice!
Elanor Munwane: Gryffindor I'm sure they are really nice!
Jul Agate: Gryffindor SHE PLAYS QUIDDITCH! YAY!
Maggie Downey: Gryffindor I'm sure they are really nice!
Max Mayfield: Gryffindor I'm sure they are really nice!
Derek Bly: Ravenclaw Oh, he plays Quidditch!
Tim Ashford: Ravenclaw His hair is funny. But I am sure he is nice.
Bri Richards: Ravenclaw I'm sure they are really nice!
Hannah Salix: Ravenclaw I'm sure they are really nice!
Boyko Phobos: Hufflepuff He's not a Quidditch player :( I AM SURE BOYKO IS REALLY NICE.
Jaegar Katzenkaiser: Hufflepuff I'm sure they are really nice!
William Farley: Hufflepuff OH, HE PLAYS QUIDDITCH!
Camilla Lee: Hufflepuff She's very nice, and she always has food.
Elizabeth Dorminson: Hufflepuff I'm sure they are really nice!
Serlait Archer: Hufflepuff I'm sure they are really nice!
Adam Caltieri: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!
Jared Littleton: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!
Nathaniel Woods: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!
Tobias Kinsella: Slytherin He plays Quidditch, and he had some REALLY good moves.
Daciana Javensworth: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!
Isis Redington: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!
Olivia Rosenberg: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!
Sixth Years
Barrett Barbosa: Gryffindor I'm sure they are really nice!
Jesse Martin: Gryffindor I'm sure they are really nice!
Remy Cowan: Gryffindor REMY IS SO GREAT. I WISH I WAS MATT!
Zak Reso: Gryffindor He plays Quidditch AND is friends with Remy! He kind of went to prison though.... but I'm sure he's really nice!
Calie Myers: Gryffindor I'm sure they are really nice!
CeCe Bree: Gryffindor I'm sure they are really nice!
Phoebe Hamilton: Gryffindor I'm sure they are really nice!
Raegan Patrick: Gryffindor She's funny!
Stella Marshalls: Gryffindor I'm sure they are really nice!
Jamie Kendrick: Ravenclaw HE PLAYS QUIDDITCH!
Maddox Dixon: Ravenclaw HE IS THE TEAM CAPTAIN FOR RAVENCLAW, AND I LOVE HIS TEAM, AND HE IS REALLY AWSOME. I try to sneak in to see their practices sometimes.
Nick Ganzer: Ravenclaw I'm sure they are really nice!
Quinn Marshalls: Ravenclaw I'm sure they are really nice!
Brenna Richards: Ravenclaw I'm sure they are really nice!
Dari Davison: Ravenclaw I'm sure they are really nice!
Sam Jones: Ravenclaw I'm sure they are really nice!
Darin DeLouise: Hufflepuff HE PLAYS QUIDDITCH :D :D
Taylor DeLouise: Hufflepuff His siblings play Quidditch! He must be really nice!
Dani Littleton: Hufflepuff Dani is reaally nice.
Rosy Alleyn: Hufflepuff Rosy is really really really nice, and she plays Quidditch, and she is a captain and she is kind of pretty.
Savannah White: Hufflepuff I'm sure they are really nice!
Tristina Darcy: Hufflepuff I'm sure they are really nice!
Tristan du Lac: Slytherin He kicked me :( BUT I'M SURE HE'S REALLY NICE!
Cole Foxkith: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!
Denys Erickson: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!
Lucas Longshore: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!
Aislin Castius: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!
Bella Destruere: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!
Jelly Ashworth: Slytherin She fed me! I really like Jelly.
Lorelai Wellington: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!
Rowan Foxkith: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!
Seventh Years
Dom Bertrade: Gryffindor I'm sure they are really nice!
Jojo Jenkins: Gryffindor I'm sure they are really nice!
Bastian Scott: Gryffindor I'm sure they are really nice!
Tybalt Raynard: Gryffindor He plays Quidditch!
Von Courtlandt: Gryffindor I'm sure they are really nice!
Ashleigh Barton: Gryffindor I'm sure they are really nice!
Danielle Cole: Gryffindor I'm sure they are really nice!
Kenzie Wickham: Gryffindor I'm sure they are really nice!
David Hamilton: Ravenclaw I'm sure they are really nice!
Matt Parker: Ravenclaw I'm sure they are really nice!
Nico Florentine: Ravenclaw I'm sure they are really nice!
Lexie Hurst: Ravenclaw She plays Quidditch!
Elodie Moulin: Ravenclaw I'm sure they are really nice!
Sadhana Joshi: Ravenclaw She used to play Quidditch but quit. I'm not sure if she's nice.
Azriel Griffin: Hufflepuff I'm sure they are really nice!
Bryant Sawyer: Hufflepuff I'm sure they are really nice!
Rupert Windsor-Jones: Hufflepuff He snogs too much. But he's nice.
James Aldo: Hufflepuff I'm sure they are really nice!
Vincent Monroe: Hufflepuff HE'S OUR KEEPER! HE IS REALLY GREAT!
Dakota Rylander: Hufflepuff I'm sure they are really nice!
Moira Douglas: Hufflepuff She snogs too much. But she's nice.
Suzie Campbell: Hufflepuff Suzie is really really nice!
Alex Departie: Slytherin He plays Quidditch! He must be nice!
Caer Forelin: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!
Colin Mayfield: Slytherin He plays Quidditch!
Ed McMillan: Slytherin He is a Quidditch captain! He must be great!
Jeremy Pitt: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!
Eva Kaufman-Sylvester: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!
Georgie Pyke: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!
Lucy Sharpe: Slytherin I'm sure they are really nice!