Mar 13, 2009 18:01
I wish that there was a third party monitoring my conversations (other than the gov't? ha), analyzing and then letting me know what exactly it is I've said. I am trying so hard to not be demanding or suddenly asking someone to act a certain way/fill a certain role. I am desperately trying to stay put and move forward at the same time - to be the same, slightly neurotic friend I have always been, but that it be alright that I now need to be given parameters. I need to know what expectations I can have. I need to know what I am allowed to give (because I have a tendency to give everything).
Am I being crazy? or do I just appear crazy because we are both hyper aware that our relationship has changed and that makes people overly defensive of their freedoms?
happy freakin birthday. I want to dig a hole and sleep in it for a few months.