I made the Malteaser cake again! This time it was for my Mum's birthday/coming home from Venice. I iced the sides this time too though, think it makes it look very professional! It is so delicious.
Mum & Dad have been away in Venice this week so I have been playing housewife. I made mozarella stuffed meatballs, tortilla with bacon and macaroni all this week. I am getting to be a very good cook, but I can never clean up after myself properly!
Uni work is keeping me so so busy, it was quite hard trying to cook for myself, do uni work, look after Pepe and keep the house tidy! But I am actually enjoying how busy it is keeping me, I feel really quite involved with my work. Think it's because both modules involve group work which is quite fun for a change.
We had a late night Ikea trip last night. At 10 o'clock! Scott bought me this cute plant which is like a cactus in the shape of a heart. Well, I made him buy it me! Hehe.