yay i have a live journal

Jan 21, 2008 13:50

Now i can just rant and rant and rant about how unfair life is :-p.

I currently have an overload of homework! This is because i am taking an incredibly hard semester. Calc 3, Physics 2, Intro to Discrete Structures, Program design, plus all my AFROTC funness. It doesn't help that i'm completely helpless in Calc 3, and i no longer have a supply of friends who are smart enough to help me with my homework.. now they look at it and go.. 'der i dunno'. Either they really don't or they are too lazy to give two shits. I should be doing homework now, but i got frusterated about not being able to do anything calc 3 involved i wanted to take a break from a hurting brain before i moved on to Discrete structures homework.. even tho it is considerably easier!

Newest kewl thing in my life.. I am doing voice overs for my cousin's CG web movie thing. It's really cool seeing your voice on a CG character! I've already seen a small clip, but i can't wait till the preview for the show comes out :). I'll show it off to everyone! Zak is still sleeping of course, i'm considering going in and attacking him with cuddles :) thats always fun. Even though i should do homework.. since its just Discrete structures now, i know i won't have a problem getting it done. It's a pretty kewl class so far, tho its slowly getting more mathy.. and therefor less kewl.

AFROTC is starting to get more and more intense, it is the semester before field training and this means we must bend over backwards to show that we are woooorthy. This means, more PT and stress and much less sleep :(. I'm planning on working out friday mornings on my own at the gym.. and i found a new way to keep myself busy during boring times at the Bakery.. excersize! There is a convenient place to slip my feet under to do sit ups. The only thing is to keep myself from eating a shit-tons of sweets before i throw them away at the end of the night.. its really hard! they all are so fucking good! Plus what kinda bakery clerk would i be if i didn't know what a particular sweet tasted like? How could i get customers opinions and suggestions?! Lol i guess thats a occupational hazard of being a bakery clerk, i have to keep the balance between fat and ignorant :-p. my manager, Brian, has been cutting hours like crazy.. the past two weeks i've only been getting 14 hours!! thats bull shit! do they think i work for there as a hobby? I need money damnit! On a happier note my loans came in and i'm all paid up on rent. My savings finally has a decent surplus again.

Zak is still an awesome boyfriend as ever. He's finally gotten a florida permit, and he has an appointment tomarrow to get his license.. here's hoping! Hasn't gotten called for a job yet, and as an incentive to get him to get one quicker. I have started making him do my kitchen and trash chores until he gets a job :-p I HAVE been paying for all his food and expenses for quite a while. It's only fair that he can atleast do my chores in return. Of course he still cooks for me, and gives me amazing massages are work and PT days.. as i said he's an awesome boyfriend :).

Okay i have typed enough. Tune in next time to The Misadventures of Terry and the Marshians

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