Wow, its been a while since i've posted. Product of my utter busy-ness the last couple of weeks.
The funness of scholarship and major changes ensues! From the attitude of the Lt. Colonel, who has taken on the job as my military advisor. It sounds like there is a good chance that I will recieve the Express language scholarship. Express meaning, i won't have to compete for it. The Air Force will pay for my college because I am majoring in something they feel they urgently need. Nothing is ensured, but he feels there is a very good chance things will go *goes into corpse bride song and dance* ACCORDING TO PLAAAAN. To accomplish all of this though i have to be investigated for disenrollment, for breaching my technical scholarship. If things go horribly wrong i could be called into enlisted active duty NOW or pay off my debt... all of the money they air force has paid for me. Thats all the tuition, book money, and stipend i've recieved for the last two years. If your curious this total is: $12,785.19, over 6 times my current savings. *shudders* If i had a deity to pray to, I would be doing so for NEITHER of these options to occur. Luckily the chance is very slight. What i do know, is that i will not be recieving any more stipend this semester. Nor any air force funding for the fall semester. I will have to re-enroll for AFROTC as soon as I am disenrolled. I can apply for the express scholarship as soon as i'm re-enrolled for the spring semester. This scholarship will include all the benefits of my previous scholarship. I've got all my fingers and toes crossed that everything goes ACCORDING TO PLAAAAAN. I hate walking this tight rope!
This week has been multitudes of Ups and Downs. Wednesday I almost fainted from sticker shock when our grocery shopping venture summed up to $196, then to make it worse my card wouldn't work. I had to call the credit union, and found out they had sent out a new card to my rents place. Even though i clearly remember sending them my new address back in the fall semester. Fuckers. So they temporarily reauthorized my debit card and i was able to say goodbye to nearly 200$ of my 'earnings'. I have to say since spring break i haven't had any net gain at all! Getting only 1 or 2 nights of work a week, and having to drive 200 miles almost every weekend for multitudes of reasons is causing me to consistently withdraw from my savings account.. or any income simply evens out my checking account. No gain, and its starting to get to me damnit! I'm not going to have the cushion of Air Force stipend and book money next semester, i need to start building up a savings! I don't want to have start bumming gas money off my rents again >.>.
On happier thoughts, almost two full nights of DnD this last week. Though we didn't get to finish the current Archaic game like we wanted Zak promises we will next week, and perhaps even start the modern game for a few hours. I'm really excited about playing my modern character. She will be challenging to role play but, duel weilding falcon 44's sounds pretty damn kick ass! Well i am going to attempt to wake my luvs and drag him into the shower. I am to meet Erik for lunch at 2pm.. he is leaving us for Canada :(.
They're always picking on me! *sniff*