Jan 31, 2007 21:59
So...today I had my first post deployment counseling session. As a result of a minor breakdown in the desertm the referred me to a life skills shrink over there whom I saw for about a month and then they told me I needed to continue the counseling when I got home.
The good news is, he told me I don't have a mental disorder. The bad news is...I'm still fucked up in the head. He told me he thinks my problems are more "personality" related. He also told me we have to get me straightened out before we can start working on the relationship problems.
I'm amazed by the people who can deploy to places like Iraq and Afghanistan for a year or more at a time. I don't know if I'd be able to do that. Dealing with being away from a significant other, which I didn't have to do last time, is one of the most gut-wrenching things I have ever had to do. It was like a scene out of some movie..me slowwwwly going up the escelator watching my boyfriend walk away. How does one adapt to this? How can people do it over and over? That's what makes it so hard when you read things in the news about people who don't support the war and they say shit about the troops. I don't give a flying fuck if people support the war..but dont fucking stand there and say shit about those of us who are fighting to give you the right to disagree with things you don't like and to be allowed to voice your opinions. Go live in Iraq if you don't like it here and see how much you've taken forgranted the things you had. We're the ones leaving our families, husbands, wives, kids, friends behind to go and fight for your liberties. It's enough to make me want to clank people's heads together and say shut the fuck up. And when I use the word "you" I mean like..the general populus, not specific persons or people.
So yeah, dealing with the separation, the possibility that you could step out of your office and get hit by flying chunks of metal and explosives or be taken out with a stray bullet on your way back to the hut is a little overwhelming. Hopefully the counseling will do me some good. I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming..so I can go put my laundry in the machine.
Peace out