(no subject)

May 02, 2006 10:30

For the love of FUCK I WANT TO STAB MYSELF IN THE EYE! I am so..incredibly..effing bored. Boss-with-Issues still isnt talking to me..over something that happened on Friday. I mean..come on, she had a whole weekend to get over something that was stupid in the first place. Big Cheese is in her office doing god knows what. OTB (old-timer boss) and BWON (boss-without-nickname) are out making sure people dont fuck up too bad during the inspection. Apparently OTB made a bet with the airmen out in the warehouse that if we made it through the LSEP without a direct safety violation, he would wear a dress. Fun stuff. I've pretty much spend my morning pretending i'm actually working..because honestly right now, I dont care. Cuz this place makes me hostile. I want to poke BWI in the eye with a hot french fry. Grrrr...
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