(no subject)

Apr 24, 2006 17:37

I'm totally spamming my FL today, but I was reading through old entries and noticed alot of people think I have violent tendancies. I mentioned it to BWG (Boss W/ Glasses) and he was like..yeah, i can see how they'd think that. So it got me thinking. I mean, I know I talk alot of shit and say stuff about wanting to hit people and blow things up and throw rocks at people...but does just saying these things make me an inherently violent person? I just always considered myself easily annoyed. Most of the time when I'm hostile with someone, it's because they've done something stupid, or displayed such an utter lack of common sense that my talking about bodily harm is playing nice. Because let's face it, people who try and sell their baby daughter, drown all 5 of their kids in a bathtub, put their toddler sons in a car and send it into a river...they deserve to be disemboweled, drawn, quartered, shot, ect. I've never actually..thrown rocks at someone who's pissed me off. Nor have I ever set them on fire. Or pushed them into a pit of spikes and laughed as they went SPLORT! The way I look at it..there's 3 ways to express your displeasure. 1) You talk about it, for most people venting works well. 2) You act on it. Beating people up isn't generally well-liked. 3) You bottle it all up, which eventually ends up leading you to both #1 and #2. I've always been a verbal person, I believe in expressing myself through words, rather than through fighting. I've only been in two actual fights in my entire life, and you really cant even call them fights. I mean..I've been angry with people and yelled and screamed and occasionally threw stuff, and my sister and I used to beat the crap out of eachother. I guess I see a distinction between telling someone they make me want to pelt them with rocks..and actually pelting them with rocks. I always considered myself you know...nice. Approachable, dependable, willing to help people in need. I just have a low tolerance for stupidity :( Now I'm a little sad that people think I'm some..tiny, violent, thing...
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