Jul 19, 2006 10:11
so its weird how your life takes all these twists and turns..and you think you have no idea where its taking you....but it always brings you to a place that you enjoy.
im pretty happy right now in my life. I could be happier..but then again I could be miserable. For some odd reason sex in the city last night really made me feel powerful with my life. It like cleared my head and I thought a lot..and its not even that the episode really related to me..I guess I just see those 4 girls taking on their lives and it makes me feel like I can do it with mine..haha weird I know.
I said my goodbyes to stephen..I just cant anymore. and I met a new boy, dan. same name as my dad.kinda weird..but im not dwelling :) I really like him..we have been on one date..haha..BUT we talk every single day..and we are gonna go out again. Now, its nothing serious..of course. Its just a fun summer thing..because afterall two more months and im going back to boston, and he knows that. But its fun..its fun to think about someone in the day..and get all excited to see they called or left you a message. There is nothing like a new crush and a first kiss. Right? ahh first kisses are the greatest! :) and once you get that one first kiss you can never have it again..so you gotta cherish it! :) Me and dan havnt had our first kiss yet..but im sure we will this summer..and Im glad he didnt kiss me on the first date. Beucase the date was just so great..and so classy, I feel like it would have taken away from the classy-ness of the first date if he kissed me..and I think he thought that too..and thats why he didnt. He really is a great guy..funny. fun to talk with and just hang out with. The rest of the summer should be really good :)
Just remember..cherish a first kiss...they are the most magical moment...always :)