(no subject)

Feb 14, 2005 21:59

Went and saw Sideways with some guys from work today.. I really expected to like it.. I liked how it was done, I laughed more than a few times, but in the end I was just upset.. maybe I'm too emotional... I always say how how I feel jaded and hate it that the nice guy gets the girl in the movies because he is the one who really cares and that's how it's suposed to be, when in real life the asshole wins out 9/10.. this movie however the jerk ends up getting away with it all in the end (if a bit bruised) and the nice guy ends up "maybe" with the girl, and only after suffering for a long time.. this is however more true to life.. yet not in the least appealing to me.. I guess I can't be happy.. I shouldn't see things that involve love..
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