Mar 18, 2005 20:34
Mood: Exhausted
Music: "the National Anthem" by Radiohead
Today was awesome. I escorted Belinda in the assembly. The assembly was interesting. Eric, Francis, and Keith's band were alright, Brandon Vaughn won for best actor though, and the rest was well, boring. Then I totally fucked up an AP Psych test, and ate lunch with Linsee/Frank. In fourth, I anxiously awaited the bell, but I will miss all my friends there. After school Kara/Cami gave me a ride home and Belinda/Lyssa were waiting at my house. We ate at Sweet Tomatoes, which was great, and I really wanted to sleep there, but I knew I couldn't. Then I came home and slept. I'm so tired. I've got work tomorrow. Maybe I'll sleep on the steps of the haunted loading room. I've always wanted to walk into Victoria's Secret (we share a loading space with them) and act like I work there or something. I imagine it's fun to work there. Goodnight.
--------------Imhotplztalktome: this isnt the new york post
Imhotplztalktome: i know what you're talking about------------