Jun 12, 2006 23:53
You call yourself a christian...BAH! you're a disgrace to the name. Christian means Christ-like,not Christ-like on sundays or when the right person is around. I"M around. you lie to yourself, Me and your friends. you are nothing, let loose your pride and realize that. realize that without your Christ that you would be on a one way ticket to HELL!! You thought that these words that have been on your mind were for some one else, FINALLY you realized that it was your own heart that I was knocking at. it was your own faults that i was trying to make you see. you were so busy looking for someone to help that you didnt even realize that it was you that needed help. you think that I'll wait on you? you honestly think that I, the Holy Trinity , God, Jehovah,Creator of the Universe and everything would hold back the plan put into motion when I created it all. You need to wise up son. You either get with the plan or your left out. Its in or out, no in between, no "well, i'll wait until tomorrow". Its now or never. Get your head out of the dirt and see. You're so blind, you thought that you knew "enough". YOU KNOW NOTHING!! You haven't begun to touch on the greatness of your God. Stop shaming yourself and ACT like a Christian. Don't care what people think. Who cares! people aren't goin to save you from an ETERNITY in lake of fire. in case you don't know eternity is " Time without beginning or end; infinite time" . HMM? eternal lake of fire or heaven? does it really need to be debated? yea your going, and your know your going,but which road will you take? will you choose the road that pleases me and makes noth of us happy, or will you go your own way until eventually you fail so much that you have to get on my path. Can you not see that my way will be much easier. I'LL even carry you, if you need it. Why all of this ,why have i been pounding on your heart? Because I love you. its as simple as that. all. I sent MY son to die on a tree, so that you can come and live with me, because i love you. all i want is for you to show me that you love me back, talk to me, tell me your problems and then listen, i give pretty good advice, read my book, tell someone about me. Maybe I've got your attention now. It doesn't matter what you've done, I'll forgive you. I'm telling you all this because i love you. change your life now, before its to late. come back to me. Take the step of faith. You know where to find me. I love you.